Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Pada PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Medan
Information Systems, Employee AcceptanceAbstract
Computers have been very well known and have been used by many people. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. The existence of computer assistance work can be completed quickly and structured. The development of information technology, then made Information Systems Acceptance of New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on Visual Basic 6.0 to get information that has been done manually. The ability to process data is very important for Information Systems for New Employees at PT. Information System for Accepting New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on VisualBasic 6.0 is currently still using a manual system such as filling out formatted Biodata registration, making job applications, for prospective new employees, so that it requires changes that help administration so that it can complete effective and efficient work.
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