Manajemen Rantai Distribusi Bahan Baku Berbasis Web Studi Kasus Syahfira Bakery and Cake
Distribution, Supply, SCMAbstract
The process of distributing raw materials is of concern to the company, because it is very influential on the smooth production process. Especially on products that use raw materials
have an expiration time limit. So that the application of good management and supported by the application of information technology, will support the process of distributing raw materials running smoothly and not disrupt the production process.Syahfira bakery and cake is a company that produces a variety of cakes for marketing in the city of Medan. Syahfira bakery and cake strives to maintain the quality of production by selling processed cakes / bread on the same day. For this reason, it is necessary to have good and accurate management of the distribution of raw materials. Research conducted at the Syahfira Bakery and Cake shop, can be seen through direct observation and interviews that there is no information technology based management process distribution.This research uses the SCM approach to simplify the process of distributing raw materials. SCM helps to see how the flow of ordering raw materials to the process of shipping raw materials. The results of this study conclude that the SCM approach is very helpful for business owners, shop admins, suppliers and existing branch shops, in monitoring the distribution of raw material shipments and ordering raw materials through webbased applications.
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