Potensi Usaha Kuliner Asli Daerah Dalam Menunjang Pariwisata Di Provinsi Bengkulu
This study analyzes the potential of indigenous regional culinary business in supporting tourism in Bengkulu Province, in analyzing this potential, the research is focused on several tourist areas in Bengkulu Province, by looking at the development of culinary efforts that enliven the tourism objects studied. The purpose of this study is to find out the strategies applied by native food entrepreneurs so that the food produced can be widely known in the community and play a role in supporting the development of tourism in Bengkulu Province. This research is descriptive research (descriptive research) using primary and secondary data. The method of data analysis is qualitative descriptive. In conducting data analysis is done by collecting secondary data and primary data. Secondary data was obtained from the Bengkulu Provincial Government, Bengkulu Province Tourism Office and the Central Bureau of Statistics. Primary data is obtained by interviewing directly with tourist visitors, traders or entrepreneurs of typical Bengkulu food. With this research, it is expected to be able to increase the potential of native regional specialties, and serve as a strategy to increase tourism visits in Bengkulu Province, so that the Regional Government can improve itself to prepare all aspects that can support increased tourist visits. The analytical tool used in this research is by using Swot analysis as a tool used to determine potential exploration strategies. SWOT itself stands for strenght, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which means identifying internal strengths and weaknesses of things and opportunities and threats that come from the environment around the business or business being run (external factors), which will provide solutions to explore culinary potential researched.
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