Survei Kemampuan Fisik Lari 50 Meter, Sit-Up dan Push Up Bagi Siswa Tunagrahita Kota Bengkulu


  • Feby Elra Perdima Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu
  • Satria Agustian Lesmana Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu


Physical Ability (Running 50 Meters, Sit-Up, Push Up), Students With Mental Retardation SLB bengkulu


This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of Tunagrahuta students in Bengkulu City Special School. Using the TKJI physical freshness test. This method is a quantitative descriptive method of developing a survey with measurement tests. To develop norms of physical fitness tests for normal students and used as test norms as a reference for students having special needs especially for mentally disabled students to see the level of physical fitness. The sample of this study amounted to 25 people sampling collection techniques using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed the physical fitness level of Bengkulu City Special Forces students can be seen as a conclusion: in the category of inadequate with the details of the 50-meter running test with an average of 12.34 with a value of 1 which means that it is Very Less. Sit-up ability test with an average of 19.88 with a value of 3 Categories Enough and a Push-up Ability Test with an average of 13.44 with a value of 2 categories Less. So to improve physical fitness, it is necessary to improve the principle of practice that is the process of change for the better, including improving physical quality, functional ability of the body and psychological activity. The higher the physical activity carried out every day the better. The better also in the process of growth and development of children, not only is the duty of parents, but the task of the school as well. Physical education teachers have a very important role to help students achieve physical fitness. By providing physical fitness learning and also providing physical fitness
exercises for students


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