Hubungan Komitmen Kerja Perawat terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Perawat di RSU Mitra Sejati Medan


  • Basri Institut Kesehatan (INKES) Sumut Medan
  • Melisa Putri Panjitan Institut Kesehatan (INKES) Sumut Medan


Work commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)


Nurse work commitment is a level of trust, individual attachment to goals and have a desire to remain in the hospital, a desire to perform better in work organizations. So a nurse who has a good work commitment will have a good OCB too. The aim is to find out the relationship between nurses' work commitments and the organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) nurses at Mitra Sejati Hospital, Medan. This study uses a descriptive correlation research with cross sectional design, the population is part of the nurses who meet the inclusion criteria. The sample of this study was 36 respondents obtained using simple random sampling. The instrument used was the work commitment questionnaire with the OCB questionnaire. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire in the range of work commitments good and not good, and OCB questionnaire in the range of high and low OCB. The results of the characteristics of the respondents showed that the majority of nurses have a good work commitment, 27 respondents (75.0%) compared to 9 months (25.0%) of bad working committees and there is a high OCB of 27 respondents (75.0%) . Chi Square test showed that there was a relationship between nurses' work commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) nurses in Mitra Sejati Hospital, Medan (P = 0,000 <? 0.05). It is recommended to all nurses at Mitra Sejati Hospital in Medan to further increase their commitment to work and improve OCB in hospitals to achieve maximum service and safety for patients specifically in the field of applying nursing care. Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City is surrounded by residence of scavengers, so that the settlements are dense and slum and have the potential for disease to occur in the community. Scavengers generally have low education and lack of maintenance of their home environment sanitation. The research objective was to analyze the effectiveness of providing health information to scavenger knowledge about home environmental sanitation in the garbage Disposal Site of Medan City. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest group design. The population of the study was all scavengers in the Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City whose samples were taken purposively by 30 people. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test with 95% confidence interval (CI). The results showed that giving health information using power point presentation proved effective in increasing the knowledge of scavengers in Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City with an increase in the average value of knowledge from 10.87 (SD = 3.35) to 12.10 (SD =3.29) with p = 0.001. It is recommended that the Public Health Center makes a health education program using power point presentations continuously about house sanitation to the scavengers in the prevention of diseases.


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