Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Kesehatan Gigi pada Anak Kelas 3 di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 060927 Kecamatan Medan Johor Tahun 2018
Knowledge, Dental HealthAbstract
Dental health is a health problem that is still a problem in developing countries, and tourism is expected to continue to increase. Dental health travel in Indonesia ranks sixth as the most common dental disease among children. Knowledge in general can affect the ability to form certain behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge with dental health in children in 060927 State Elementary School, Medan Johor District in 2018. The research design was descriptive correlation. The population was 109 people and the sample was 52 people using purposive sampling technique. The test used in this study is the chi square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a elationship between the level of knowledge and dental health in children in 060927 Public Elementary School, Medan Johor District in 2018 with a significant value of p-value = 0.003 where the p-value =<0.05.
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