Hubungan Karakteristik (Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Status Perkawinan) dengan Aktivitas Fisik dan Aktivitas Sosial Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padangmatinggi Kota Padangsidimpuan
Characteristics, Physical Activity, Social Activity, ElderlyAbstract
Increasing the number of elderly will cause complex problems for the future, for families and communities. Naturally the aging process results in physical and mental changes, affecting their economic and social conditions. Socially independent, the elderly do social activities, have a good relationship with the family and get support from family and community. This study aims to examine the relationship characteristics (age, sex, marital status) with physical activity and social activities in the elderly in the working area Padangmatinggi Padangsidimpuan Health Center. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional research design. This research is done by calculating physical activity with form once 24 hour recall physical activity. Each type of physical activity multiplied by the value of Physical Activity Ratio (PAR) is then calculated using the Physical Activity Level (PAL) formula, while the characteristics and social activities were obtained by interviewing the questionnaires.The samples in this study amounted to 100 people who were elderly.The data analysis was univariate, And bivariate with Chi Square Test. The result of bivariate research shows that there are characteristic relationship (age (p =0,001) and marital status (0,000)) with social activity. There was a significant relationship between age (0.003) and sex (0,024) with physical activity. Suggested to the elderly to maintain physical and mental health condition by always checking health to puskesmas, doing elderly gymnastics, and carry out the worship regularly and regularly and improve the economy. For families it is advisable to keep harmony with parents, keep giving attention, motivation and encouragement to parents to be able to perform activities outside the home.
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