Peranan Promosi Kesehatan Hiv/Aids (Project Peer Educator) pada Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Taiwan


  • Lamtiur Junita Bancin STIKes Imelda
  • Johanna Christy STIKes Imelda
  • Ari Setyawan Corresponding Author: Auditor Sincung Halal for Taiwan, &th Floor


Health Promotion, Indonesian Migrant Workers HIV/AIDS


HIV / AIDS is an infectious disease through sex and blood, and often be frightened by people. The application of HIV / AIDS health promotion through IEC (Communication, Information,
and Education) provides an opportunity for the people to provide information that often remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of HIV / AIDS health promotion through health dissemination on increasing Indonesian Migrant Workers’ knowledge in Taiwan. The type of research used was quasi-experimental research with the one group pretest and post-test design to learn the role of health promotion regarding HIV / AIDS. By using interactive health dissemination methods and discussions are expected to increase knowledge towards HIV / AIDS among migrant workers in the PCINU organization ( Pengurus Cabang Internasional Nadhlatul Ulama). The sample from the study was PCINU members who worked as Migrant Workers in Taiwan and attended the project (30 people) organized by the Taiwan AIDS Foundation on 2 April 2017. Questionnaires as pre-test were given to all respondents before the material was given. Extension materials contain basic information about HIV / AIDS, transmission, prevention, and discrimination. Through health dissemination, the facilitator also persuaded respondents to share knowledge with PMI colleagues through sharing or discussions and distributing leaflets containing information about HIV / AIDS. The results showed that there was an increase in health dissemination (p <0.05) on PMI's knowledge in Taiwan towards HIV / AIDS. That provided an increase in knowledge regarding HIV / AIDS. It showed a positive value rank of 28 which meant 28 people experienced increasing scores after the health dissemination.


Kementerian Kesehatan, 2016, Artikel promosi Kesehatan, akses online pada 16 Juli 2019, URL:

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