Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Ruang Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perawat dalam Pelayanan
Transformational Leadership, Nursing Services, Nurse Satisfaction.Abstract
Nurse job satisfaction is a very important element that affects the satisfaction of nursing services in the hospital. One of the factors that cause job satisfaction from nurses is influenced by the leadership style practiced by the head of the room in leading and coordinating the nurses in conducting nursing care. One of the leadership models that can be implemented for increasing nurse satisfaction is transformational leadership. The purpose of this article is to determine the effect of headroom's transformational leadership style on nurse job satisfaction in service. This article uses a literature review research design that researchers review, summarize, and write thoughts on several libraries such as articles, books, and laws. The results obtained that transformational leadership can be a solution to improve service behavior through charismatic leadership, inspirational, have intellectual stimuli and individualized considerations. Charismatic leadership, namely the head of space must be able to clearly convey his vision to enhance the quality of nursing services. Inspiring leadership is that leaders are able to convey high expectations regarding the quality of service and inspire other nurses. Leadership that has intellectual stimulation that is able to motivate, provide support for other nurses to speak and provide opportunities for training. Leaders have individualized considerations, such as giving rewards according to individual nurse's achievements. Transformational leadership style has a positive influence on nurse job satisfaction.
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