Perbandingan Kepuasan Mahasiswa antara Metode Pembelajaran Problembased Learning (PBL) dan Ceramah di STIKes RS Haji Medan Tahun 2019


  • Saddiyah Rangkuti STIKes RS Haji Medan
  • Devi Sagita Saragih STIKes RS Haji Medan


Comparison, Student Satisfaction, PBL


Problem based learning (PBL) is an active teaching and learning method that has been used by educators for more than 50 years. Problem-based learning is most often conceptualized as a strategy that uses stimulus problems for students to develop and gain knowledge about diabetes erupting in infants. The research objective was to find out to find out the comparison of student satisfaction between learning methods of problem based learning (PBL) and lectures on diabetes mellitus material in infants at Stikes Rs Medan Hajj in 2019. This study uses a quantitative design research type with a quasi-experimental design using a Non Equivalent Control Group approach without a control group. The population of all undergraduate students of STIKes RS Haji Medan with a total of 59 people with Purposive Sampling sampling techniques with a sample size of 30 students. Data analysis techniques were carried out by using Mann Whitney test (x) test statistic analysis to see the comparison between the two variable variables was meaningful or not significant. At a significance level of 95% (P <0.05). Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant comparison between student satisfaction with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning method and lectures on diabetes mellitus material in infants in the Medan Hajj Hospital STIKes in 2019, with a p value = 0.010 (p <0 , 05).


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