Gambaran Perubahan Body Image pada Wanita yang Mengalami Ca.Mamae dengan Tindakan Chemoterphy di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU IPI) Medan
Body Image, Women, CA Mamae, ChemotherapyAbstract
Cancer is a new cell growth that forms abnormal tissue that extends to exceed normal tissue limits (Simanjuntak in Hawari 2004) Cancer is also often called a malignant tumor. According to (Chaplin, 2006: 63), body image is an individual idea about the appearance of his body in front of other people. Schilder (in Bell & Rushforth, 2008: 1). According to (Smeltzer and Bare, 2002) chemotherapy is the use of antineoplastic preparations as an effort to kill tumor cells by disrupting cellular function and reproduction. This type of research is descriptive. The population is as much as 50 at the Medan Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital. Method of sampling Non Probability Sampling with Accidental Sampling technique obtained a sample size of 30 sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire, consisting of 12 questions, question measurement techniques using the Guttman scale, in the form of a closed questionnaire. Then the results of the questionnaire are formulated into variable answer intervals using the Sturgers formula to determine the respondent's answer criteria and find out the score and percentage of answers. From the results of the study it was found that the majority of respondents' level of knowledge was quite in accordance with the data of the study amounted to 14 respondents (46.2%), while good knowledge was only 10 respondents (33.3%) and those who had poor knowledge amounted to 6 respondents (11.5%). The difficulty that arises then is if sufficient knowledge or education theoretically and objectively is caused by the attitude of sufferers still
not receiving information about health education changes in Body Image for women with Ca Mamae with Chemotherapy. Here also the importance of the role of health workers to improve the knowledge of sufferers and the community in general to be able to overcome in preventing bad changes in patients with Ca Mamae, one of which is providing counseling about changes in Body Image in patients with Ca Mamae with Chemotherapy.
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