SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) <p align="justify"><strong>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains </strong>merupakan wadah publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dipresentasikan pada <strong>Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019</strong> yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi D3 Manajemen Informatika AMIK Imelda bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Kita Menulis.</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify"><strong>E-ISBN : 978-623-92311-0-1</strong></p> Program Studi D3 Manajemen Informatika AMIK Imelda en-US SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) Metode Weighted Product (WP) pada Pembuatan Sistem Penilaian Tenaga Medis Puskesmas Kampung Bali – Kota Bengkulu <p>To find out the performance achievements of medical personnel who have very good achievements, the Decision Support System is used with the Weighted Product (WP) method, where this method is very suitable for selecting various alternatives that depart from the determination of the weight of each assessment criterion. By having determined the optimal weight by the Head of the Puskesmas, this method of weighting matrix has been compiled to be an exponential factor of each suitability rating owned by each medical personnel. Based on the sequence of steps to complete the next calculation, an application program is prepared that is expected to be able to provide assistance in accelerating the calculation process. The program outputs obtained were not much different compared to manual calculations. Although there are slight differences between the two results, the difference is very small, ranging from 0.001 to<br>0.002. Testing is done by comparing the results of the program with a manual count. But because the main purpose of a decision support system is to get the best ranking from the alternatives.</p> Lena Elfianty Nofi Qurniati Jusuf Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 1 11 Evaluasi Usabilitas Aplikasi SIAKAD Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas menggunakan Metode Heuristik <p>The number of systems that have developed at this time has good quality for users. But some of the existing systems have not yet been measured for usability. Case study of the Catholic&nbsp; Computer Science Faculty academic information system of Saint Thomas North Sumatra. This study aims to determine the evaluation of information systems in case studies in terms of their usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction in using the Academic Information System. The method used is the heuristic method. Data collection in this study with direct research to the location and see journal references, documentation and previous research. This study also uses a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction. Based on the results of testing data collection, the use of the siakad information system as a recommendation to design the development of the system can produce a system with high usability, so that the system is expected to be in accordance with the objectives so that it can be accepted by the user.</p> Andy Paul Harianja Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-03-28 2022-03-28 1 1` 12 22 Identifikasi Motif Time Series Data Mining dengan Euclid <p>The development of information technology that is supported by storage media technology has brought about major changes to the availability of data warehouses. The availability of data warehouses is often overlooked because of the inability to process the data so that data stacks are often regarded as garbage, which should be used as decision support, one form of data warehouse that is often encountered today is time series. Therefore it is necessary to develop a method to improve the motive discovery of time series data mining. The method used is discretion so that it produces time series sub sequences, which are then clustered. The distance used is the euclid distance. The results obtained are the finding of motives in time series based on time that can be used as decision support and predictions in the future.</p> Relita Buaton Muhammad Zarlis Herman Mawengkang Syahril Effendi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-03-28 2022-03-28 1 1` 23 31 Implementasi Robot Line Follower bagi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 01 Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu <p>Lebong Regency is one of the pemekaran districts, one of the educating sub-sectors which is expected to contribute to the district government of Lebong, where one of the district government programs is to educate the nation's children by adding schools, one of which is Lebong 1 State High School . In the State High School 1 have had a laboratory that is used for robotic extracurricular activities. The extracurricular activities have not been maximally theoretical and simulation, especially the Line follower robot material. The results obtained for students giving line follower robots improve the knowledge and skills of students who are more perfect, so that they can implement the knowledge that has been obtained and independently in making a series of line follower robots.</p> Toibah Umi Kalsum Khairil Yanolanda Suzantry Handayani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-03-28 2022-03-28 1 1` 33 40 Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Kenakalan Remaja menggunakan Metode Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) <p>The problem of juvenile delinquency which is an actual problem in almost every country in the world including Indonesia. Currently, as an illustration of the spread of cases of violations of the law committed by adolescents can be in the form of fights, robbery, robbery, theft, possession of sharp weapons and even misuse of narcotics or various other legal violations. According to statistics in 2013 there were 535 cases and in 2014 there were 723 cases, and based on the data there was an increase of ± 1.35%. Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) is a quantitative method that uses a "weighting system". In the first MFEP all criteria, which are important factors in making consideration, are given appropriate weighting. The same steps are taken for the alternatives to be chosen, which can then be evaluated in relation to these factors of consideration. The MFEP method determines that the alternative with the highest value is the best solution based on the criteria chosen. From the results of this study the results obtained are conclusions and factors that cause physical crime by adolescents so that the community, especially parents can take action to overcome them.</p> Riswan Limbong Kristian Siregar Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 41 50 Penerapan Algoritma Levenshtein dalam Pencarian Arti Istilah Penelitian <p>Research is an activity carried out by researchers to solve a problem or phenomenon that occurs by providing or describing an explanation along with important information specifically using knowledge that is ready to be applied in the process of solving problems in order to achieve a certain goal. The large number of research terms makes it difficult for novice researchers to find information related to theory to understand the understanding of each research term. In order to facilitate the search for information related to theory to understand the understanding of each research term, an application of string matching algorithm is needed. The string matching algorithm applied in the study is the Levenshtein algorithm.</p> Nasib Marbun Indra Jabinsan Sinaga Azhar Aditiarno Manik uranta Bill Fatric Ginting Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 51 55 Implementasi Metode Naïve Bayes Classifier dalam Melakukan Filterisasi Spam <p>The internet has become one of the most important things in the development of communication facilities. One of the facilities found on the internet is electronic mail or better known as e-mail. E-mail facilities that are easy to use and inexpensive result in many e-mails containing advertising and business promotions entering the inbox of e-mail users. This e-mail advertisement is referred to as spam mail. To prevent this, software that is useful as a spam filter is made to filter e-mail that comes into the user's e-mail facility inbox. Naïve Bayes method is a method used to filter e-mails, this method has a higher accuracy. Email classification can be distinguished, namely the classification system that operates on the mail client (offline) and the mail server (online).</p> Hery Sunandar Edward Robinson Siagian Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 56 59 Peningkatan Keakuratan Data Penelitian melalui Pengujian Instrumen dengan Metode Bivariate Pearson dan Split Half <p>A valid and reliable research instrument used in gathering research data is an instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability. Validity testing is done to see whether the questions in the research instrument are valid or biased, while the reliability test is done to see the level of reliability of the research instrument. Especially research that is a case study, collecting research data using research instruments (questionnaire or questionnaire). To assist researchers in testing research instruments, the results of this study will create a system for testing the validity and reliability of research instruments that are easy to use by researchers so that the research data to be collected is more accurate.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Desinta Purba Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 60 65 Penerapan Metode Waspas untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Penerimaan Siswa/i Baru <p>Decision making is very necessary, especially in Elementary School 6 in Subulussalam City Government in accepting new students in Primary School 6 in Subulussalam City Government which is implementing a new student admission by making a selection with the aim that the school can produce students / wi quality. The problem so far is that the committee that participated in the process of admission of new students when making a decision is still ineffective, and there are also students who do not register if they are accepted, often violating the rules and regulations that have been set when admitting new students. These problems need to be studied and need to choose a method to solve that is by implementing a decision support system using the Waspas method in accepting new students so that the problem so far can be resolved quickly and accurately.</p> Murdani Ronda Deli Sianturi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 66 71 Aplikasi Pembelajaran Apotik Hidup Obat Tradisional <p>Development of life pharmacy learning for the community. This online learning system aims to provide information on natural medicines and types of plants as well as the functions of each plant to the community, which are made online. Based on the above problem formulation, the purpose of this study is to build a web-based life pharmacy learning system that can be used as a facility to inform medicinal plants used for treatment in the community which is inherited by ancestors. With this computer-based life pharmacy learning it can help everyone who wants to learn about what plants can be processed into traditional medicines that are good and healthy and also the function and use of these drugs.</p> Tonni Limbong Kennedi Tampubolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 72 83 Analisa Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan di STMIK Budi Darma Medan <p>Along with the development of technological advances to encourage experts to develop computers in order to help human work. The era of computerization began around the 1960s when minicomputers and mainframes were introduced to libraries, such as IBM in the industrial world. Customers who enjoy library services that determine the quality of service. Customer perception of service quality is a comprehensive assessment of the superiority of a service. The process of calculating existing customer satisfaction often causes problems that the assessors need a long time to complete the selection, not to mention when the customer satisfaction assessments that handle in the case of the assessment is limited, errors in selection can occur so that it will result in wrong analyzing the level of satisfaction whether the customer is good or not. Fuzzy method is a method that uses language expressions to describe the value of a variable. Fuzzy logic works by using the degree of membership of a value which is then used to determine the results to be produced based on predetermined specifications.</p> Berto Nadeak Sony Bahagia Sinaga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 84 93 Pembangunan Sistem Electronic-Government dalam mensukseskan Program Visit Wonderful Bengkulu 2020 <p>The need for eGov is the use of information and telecommunications technology for efficient and effective government administration, as well as providing transparent and satisfying public services. The integration of technology and information systems today greatly influences public institutions such as local governments and the Central Government. The current regional government system has begun to be integrated in a technology that can be controlled from the<br>central government. An example is the application of electronic-government (e-Gov) which began to be implemented in Indonesia and in several regions. The stages of the research method are Application for permission for research from the Research and Community Service Institute of Dehasen University Bengkulu, Application for Permit for research from Bengkulu Province and Seluma Integrated Service Offices, Collection of Government data both manual and computerized, Government data grouping namely Name Regional Superior Program, Achievement Targets, Financial Conditions in 2019. Cross-sectoral development program to create superior and prosperous Seluma District people by improving infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure, including tourism and leading sectors and optimizing superior products. One solution and alternative that promises to create transparency in realizing Good Governance is an electronic government (e-government) government management system. Management of institutions / agencies electronically for both private and government in addition to increasing transparency, can also increase efficiency (reduce costs and increase effectiveness / increase yield).</p> Arius Satoni Kurniawansyah Rizka Tri Alinse Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 94 101 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pembayaran Pinjamam Kredit BPR. Duta Ardiarta Medan <p>The development of technology, especially computers and achieving competitive advantage, BPR Duta Adiarta Medan requires a form of presentation of information and reports that can be accessed quickly, precisely and accurately to support decision making and improve better services to customers who make loans. The methodology used is the Observation method carried out by literature study, interview method, design method using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), structure chart. The results of the research are poured into the Accounting Information System for the Payment of the Duta Arta BPR loan credit of Medan. The use of computer-based applications is expected to provide easy processing of data and create reports that can help BPR Duta Adiarta Medan in analyzing and making decisions. Accounting Payment Information System Credit Loans to Rural Banks that are designed to be facilities that are useful for companies in carrying out their business and all parties related to the loan loan payment process can also obtain reports quickly, accurately, and accurately in determining company policy.</p> Widya Susanti Sitanggang Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 102 106 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pensiun Pegawai pada PT. Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Medan <p>The development of the world of technology is currently growing rapidly. Technological developments require us to always be able to process a data so that it becomes an accurate and accurate information and can manage the information itself to be a reference in making the right decisions. That is why almost all companies and organizations begin to pay attention to the information systems they have. PT. Taspen (Persero) Medan Main Branch Office is one of the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) which is formed for the old-age savings program of civil servants. Its establishment was motivated by a desire to improve the welfare of civil servants and their families who were initiated through the Civil Servants Welfare Conference (KKPN). So far, pension services for PT. Taspen employees still use a manual and simple system, so that there is often negligence and delay in the retirement services of PT. Taspen employees themselves, because the search and collection of employee data are manual and require a longer time.Therefore, an application program is developed that facilitates the processing of employee data at PT. Taspen (Persero) Medan Main Branch Office so that it is more effective and efficient.</p> Indra Swanto Ritonga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 107 110 Penerapan Animasi Multimedia pada Sistem Peramalan / Forecasting Sumber Pendapatan Daerah Dinas Pajak Daerah Kota Medan <p>Regional autonomy gives authority to regions to manage and manage their own regions. Regions have a position as full administrators, so that each region must be creative so that regional management is more focused and reaches predetermined targets. Acceptance of Regional Original Income, for example, tax can be increased by intensification or extensification. Extensification is an effort to overcome the type of tax. Some study show that exploring the potential of the region by increasing the types of taxes does not promote interest, attracting investors' reluctance to invest in the area. Intensification is an effort to increase tax collection. The main purpose of planning is to see programs that have been implemented that can be used to improve the achievement of future goals is to improve better decision making.</p> Mamed Rofendy Manalu Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 111 115 Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah pada Yayasan Imelda Medan <p>Computers have been very well known and have been used by many people. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. With the help of computers the work can be completed quickly and structured. Computers are a very popular tool now in solving problems used in various fields of science and technology. The development of information technology, then made the design and manufacture of visual basic to get information that has been done manually. The design can be done using several programming languages including Personal Home Page (visual basic). The ability to process data is very important for Imelda Medan students engaged in it. The tuition payment information system at the Medan Imelda Foundation is still using manual systems such as tuition payments and, so it requires very large fees and a long time, the lack of ineffective data search processes can make other jobs neglected and waste time in vain -drain. Therefore the author makes a visual basic that serves to provide information to the public about AMIK, AKPER, AKBID, Medan Imelda APIKES, which has been established, to facilitate the public to obtain registration information and others from the Imelda Foundation in Medan.</p> Rimmar Siringoringo Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 116 121 Sistem Informasi Bongkar Muat Barang pada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) Medan <p>As one of the ports being cultivated, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) Medan strives to have high productivity. The accumulation of goods at the port is a problem that causes many items to be located around or outside the stacking field. Since the port function is only a transit point for goods, it is not natural for goods in the port to be stacked for too long. This results in full stacking space and if there are items that enter again there is not enough space to accumulate so that the items will be stacked around the stacking field. This causes the narrowing of the road which is the access of vehicles to cross becomes difficult to maneuver. Various methods have been carried out for the control and arrangement of goods at the port of stacking, but apparently the service users have not given a good response to the port as a facility provider. Changes in the calculation of stacking period are expected to give a soft warning to service users so that they want to take into account the number of empty containers stacked in the stacking field and not too long to accumulate goods in the port.</p> Elvika Rahmi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 122 127 e-Planning Menerapkan Algoritma Boyer Moore untuk Penyesuaian Usulan Berdasarkan Tupoksi Organisasi Perangkat Daerah <p>The proposal of citizens is a form of sovereignty of citizens or the community to exercise control over the agency managing the development activities currently being implemented in the ePlanning application. Subsequently the proposal was discussed in the kelurahan and then it was discussed in the subdistrict and notified to the Regional Apparatus Organization to be planned and budgeted. The proposal can help the community to have a better life but it must be verified due to budget constraints. Lack of community understanding of their proposals given to the Organization of Regional Apparatus related to the proposals of citizens so that sometimes the proposals are limited to proposals because the community is not sure that they will be confused. Adjustment of proposals based on the duties and functions of the regional apparatus organization facilitates and assists employees, the community, Regional Apparatus Organizations in monitoring, finding solutions quickly and accurately to see proposals based on the duties and functions of the Regional Apparatus Organization. So that it is expected to reduce the time and effort in adjusting the proposal because it has been automatically confessed by the computer system.</p> Tomy Satria Alasi Pristiwati Fitriani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 128 137 Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Gizi Anak dan Perempuan pada Kelompok Putri kartini Desa Lubuk Lagan Seluma Barat Kabupaten Seluma <p>The information system is a "tool" that can be used, in utilization that is to manage data or information better in the context of providing an overview of the distribution of nutritional <br>status with causal factors in an integrated manner for appropriate decision making. The analysis was carried out by the process of combining the factors that cause nutritional status in <br>overlays. Several factors will be reviewed to determine the effect on nutritional status problems in the region. To overcome the problems faced by partners, they will be equipped with the ability to create and use computer-based information systems to recognize the causes of malnutrition of children and women in Lubuk Lagan Village, Seluma Barat Subdistrict so that <br>they no longer manually collect and map the causes of malnutrition. done now and all data will be stored properly.</p> Eko Suryana Achmad Fikri Sallaby Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 138 142 Penerapan CRC 32 dalam Pengecekan Kesalahan pada Pengiriman File <p>Error often occurs in sending data, where the error is caused by interference at the physical level, namely interference with the transmission line media, such as interference with <br>electromagnetic radiation, lightning or interference caused by noise. This interference causes the information received does not match the information sent. CRC 32 is one method that can be used to detect errors in that information. Basically CRC 32 uses a mathematical calculation of a number called a checksum (also called a CRC value), which is made based on the total bits to be transmitted. Cyclic Redundancy Check is only able to detect but unable to correct bit errors. However, the advantage of Cyclic Redundancy Check is that CRC is able to detect errors in large capacities. Input and output data in the Cyclic Redundancy Check method must be numbers 0 and 1.</p> Pristiwanto Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 143 148 Pengolahan Data Akuntansi menggunakan Software Accounting Myob Versi 18 pada PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan <p>In the daily activities of PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan still records manually and simply. Based on this, the accounting data processing is applied using MYOB Accounting Software <br>version 18 to facilitate the preparation of financial statements, especially in determining the cost of goods sold and final inventory of merchandise so that it will be easier to know precisely by using this MYOB Accounting software to determine the company's performance. This research was conducted at the company to examine archival documents regarding financial statements consisting of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Capital Change Reports at PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan. The process of inputting data is only once posted or journalized based on the classification of transactions in the preparation of computerized financial statements. To ensure the correctness of the data to be input, it is necessary to verify the data by the controller before the data is input to the computer so that no debt arises and all transactions are carried out in cash. This will be arranged based on the trial balance and transactions that occurred in December in 2016. PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan can also save time and be more thorough in recording operational activities.</p> Dewi Wahyuni Rabitah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 149 154 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Distribusi Bantuan Pupuk pada Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Sumatera Utara <p>Data that has been managed by the distribution staff at the Plantation Office, sometimes reports or data that want to be sought again requires a very long time because the storage model of the report is still using bookkeeping, Besides the problems that occur when the distribution of assistance obtained is less accurate, so the distribution of aid many experience distribution that is not on target. The existence of a computerized application, the writer hopes to help the problem of data processing in the distribution of the assistance, be it the data to be sought, the preparation of reports, and information that can help distribution staff when they want to distribute aid directly to the field . The distribution distribution system at the North Sumatra Plantation Office has certain sections starting from, withdrawing funds from the APBD, the process of deliberation stages of the plan for channeling funds and development, so the production staff begins to survey prospective farmers who will receive assistance.</p> Denni M. Rajagukguk Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong Pilipus Tarigan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 155 159 Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Pada PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Medan <p>Computers have been very well known and have been used by many people. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. The existence of computer assistance work can be completed quickly and structured. The development of information technology, then made Information Systems Acceptance of New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on Visual Basic 6.0 to get information that has been done manually. The ability to process data is very important for Information Systems for New Employees at PT. Information System for Accepting New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on VisualBasic 6.0 is currently still using a manual system such as filling out formatted Biodata registration, making job applications, for prospective new employees, so that it requires changes that help administration so that it can complete effective and efficient work.</p> Abdul Sani Sembiring Pilipus Tarigan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 160 166 Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang PT. KAI (Persero) Balai Yasa Pulu Brayan Medan <p>Inventories of goods that are still in the process or production process or raw material inventories that are awaiting their use in a production process. Shortage of inventory can result <br>in the cessation of the production process, and this shows that inventory is a crucial problem in the company's operations. Too much inventory or a lot of inventory (over stock) can result in too high a cost burden for storing and maintaining materials during storage in the warehouse even though the goods. The goal of the company is not actually to reduce or increase inventory. The company does not have to make repeated orders, optimal inventory is very helpful for the company in overcoming the problem of inventory PT. KAI (Persero) Medan Yasa Pulu Brayan Medan must be able to overcome inventory problems which include, how many must order, when to order, how much maximum inventory should be stored in the warehouse, how much inventory must be in the warehouse (safety stock) so as not to deficiency or excess occurs.</p> Monang Juanda Tua Sihombing Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 167 172 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Dosen Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Electre <p>Determination of outstanding lecturers is useful to improve the quality of knowledge for alecturer, the selection of lecturers who are competent in the results obtained can improve the <br>quality of learning. The lack of knowledge of a lecturer is caused by the lack of care from a lecturer in developing a career so that the lecturer does not have competence in his career. The absence of selection of lecturers who excel at the national or university level makes lecturers minimal in developing their knowledge. The selection of lecturers who have achievements is very useful to improve the ability of lecturers to develop knowledge in achievement. The existence of criteria in the selection of outstanding lecturers can be applied by utilizing the electre method in producing criteria in determining outstanding lecturers. Based on the selection of outstanding lecturers that have been done from the many lecturers who participated in only one lecturer who was entitled to receive an award as an outstanding lecturer.</p> Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong Sony Bahagia Sinaga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 173 178 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Penilaian Kinerja Waitress Menggunakan Metode TOPSIS (Studi Kasus Rumah Makan Joko Solo Merak Jingga Medan) <p>One of the successes of a company depends on the employee's performance so that each company will periodically evaluate its performance on its employees. Restaurant Joko Solo is one of the companies engaged in the food sector, currently the company has 38 employees and 15 waitresses. At present the process of evaluating employee performance is still manual, so the results of the assessment are still not accurate. To obtain the accuracy of the data, it will be made an employee performance appraisal system design using the TOPSIS method based on existing criteria in the company. The purpose of the system created is to help the company in seeing and determining employees who are performing well.</p> Adil Setiawan Rahmadani Pane Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 179 184 Perancangan Sistem Informasi Absensi Siswa dengan menggunakan SMS Gateway pada SMK Advent Medan <p>SMS (Short Message Service) is a service provided by the service provider to send and receive short messages. Short Message Service is considered to be very practical and effective. In <br>general, the Short Message Service that comes in will definitely be read because of the nature of the cellphone which is private property, plus psychologically that someone wants to be <br>considered important. So whatever type of Short Message Service that comes in, that person will definitely open and read it. Messages can be delivered quickly and more effectively without having to use leaflets or notification letters that will not necessarily be read. In addition to sending messages between mobile users, Short Message Service is also suitable to be applied to interact with a computer-based information system. To be able to obtain data accuracy in every job, where at this time the technology is increasingly modern, the analysis of researchers do on Student Attendance Information System at Medan Adventist Vocational School is needed a system that can increase work efficiency and effectiveness.</p> Sony Bahagia Sinaga Satria Yudha Prayogi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 185 190 Penerapan Multimedia pada Sosialisasi Virus Rubella <p>Rubella virus is quite significant in Indonesia. This is one of the government's priorities to stop the spread and transfer its distribution solutions. Vaccination is one solution to reduce the spread of the rubella virus. However, the community is still very cloudy with the rubella virus vaccination. Community anxiety about simple information about rubella vaccination is one of <br>the inhibiting factors in reducing the impact of the rubella virus. In this case the role of multimedia technology helps the government in socializing the rubella virus to the public. Using <br>interactive multimedia learning methods. With the presence of multimedia technology it is able to provide a penalty to the public regarding the rubella virus and the vaccination process.</p> Syarifah Fadillah Rezky Devri Suherdi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 191 197 Penerapan Algoritma C4.5 dalam Memprediksi Dampak Kebakaran Hutan bagi Kesehatan <p>The impact of forest fires on health is very disease-causing, one of which is respiratory disorders, coughing and other chronic lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, COPD, and others can even cause death. One of the causes of many deaths is because many cannot predict the effects of forest fires on health. Previous fire data can be used to predict fire incidents in the future. One algorithm that can be used to predict is the C4.5 algorithm. That results from the C4.5 decision tree shape algorithm, decision tree characteristics or conditions of forest fires and disease decisions, where the decision is the fruit of forest fires that occur modeling.Abstract should also be written in english, typed after the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Abstract. Author(s) are suggested to highlight five things in the abstract, i.e. background, objectives, methods or framework, results or important conclusions, and recommendations. The abstract should consist of approximately 600 words. Unusual abbreviations and confusing terms should be avoided in the abstract. Maximum five key words should be provided after the abstract.</p> Eferoni Ndruru Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 198 205 Prototipe e-Commerce berdasarkan analisa SWOT Studi Kasus Galeri Ulos Sianipar <p>Ulos is a traditional cloth of the Batak people, which used in many traditional Batakness (Toba, Simalungun, Karo, Mandailing, and Pakpak) ceremony such as birth, marriage, and death. Galeri Ulos Sianipar is one of the store that sells Ulos. Like many other stores, cosumers come to the Galeri Ulos Sianipar to buy their fovorite ulos. Sales and promotion are still done in tradionally ways. To elevate their bussiness Galeri Ulos Sianipar has to transformed their business process by using Information Technology (IT as enabler for business). Application Prototipyng based on web of Galeri Ulos Sianipar is named e-ulos Sianipar. The application is designed based on SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analyis. This analysis is used as a reference to create an aplication that suit Galeri Ulos Sianipar’s business needs. This application is expected to increase number of customers and profit for Galeri Ulos Sianipar.</p> Indra Kelana Jaya Harlen Gilbert Simanullang Asaziduhu Gea Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 206 211 Manajemen Rantai Distribusi Bahan Baku Berbasis Web Studi Kasus Syahfira Bakery and Cake <p>The process of distributing raw materials is of concern to the company, because it is very influential on the smooth production process. Especially on products that use raw materials <br>have an expiration time limit. So that the application of good management and supported by the application of information technology, will support the process of distributing raw materials running smoothly and not disrupt the production process.Syahfira bakery and cake is a company that produces a variety of cakes for marketing in the city of Medan. Syahfira bakery and cake strives to maintain the quality of production by selling processed cakes / bread on the same day. For this reason, it is necessary to have good and accurate management of the distribution of raw materials. Research conducted at the Syahfira Bakery and Cake shop, can be seen through direct observation and interviews that there is no information technology based management process distribution.This research uses the SCM approach to simplify the process of distributing raw materials. SCM helps to see how the flow of ordering raw materials to the process of shipping raw materials. The results of this study conclude that the SCM approach is very helpful for business owners, shop admins, suppliers and existing branch shops, in monitoring the distribution of raw material shipments and ordering raw materials through webbased applications.</p> Doli Hasibuan Fati G Larosa Junika Napitupulu Feby Fransiska Silalahi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 218 223 Pengolahan Makanan Beku Berbahan Dasar Jamur Sawit Sebagai Nilai Tambah di Desa Talang Jambu dan Desa Pasar Bembah Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara <p>Talang Jambu Village and Pasar Bembah Village, North Bengkulu Regency are villages located near oil palm processing plantations so that they have great potential to produce palm <br>mushrooms. But public consumption interest in general is still low due to lack of knowledge and information on the nutritional content of oil palm mushrooms. Though palm mushrooms have high nutritional content of 34.24% protein, 39.83% fiber, and 5.47% carbohydrates and low fat which is 1.95%. The quality of oil palm mushrooms is also very low because it decays quickly. This issue is faced by partners in an effort to increase mushroom consumption as well as commercial food, in addition to a lack of knowledge (soft skills) and skills.. The activity was carried out in four stages, namely the preparation phase (initial condition survey and visit to the partner area to find out the problems faced by partners), the counseling phase (providing information to partners in the form of nutrient content of palm mushrooms, palm mushroom processing technology into frozen food) , diversification of products made from oil palm mushrooms into meatballs, nuggets and dimsum, packaging methods, demonstration stage (implementation or practice results of counseling with partners, acceptance and estimation of shelf life for palm mushroom products), marketing system development stage (packaging design and sales design in online media).</p> Andwini Prasetya Siska Apriyani Jusuf Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 224 235 Aplikasi Pangan Fungsional Sebagai Makanan Sehat Khusus Balita dan Anak-Anak pada Kelompok Majelis Taklim Masjid Al-Ikhlas Kelurahan Surabaya Kecamatan Sungai Serut Kota Bengkulu <p>Disease trends in Indonesia have started to increase into over nutrition and under nutrition which is often called "double burden" triggers the birth of various degenerative diseases. Bad habits that often occur in the community include a faster first feeding time, more frequent eating frequencies leading to more nutrition and bad habits of children only interested in favorite foods such as noodles, ice cream and nuggets causing malnutrition problems, especially products on the market susceptible to hygiene and the addition of preservatives and dyes. The same condition also occurred in the Taklim Assembly community group Al-Ikhlas Mosque, Surabaya Village, Sungai Serut Subdistrict, Bengkulu City, which consists of housewives from four RTs in Surabaya, Sungai Serut Subdistrict, Bengkulu City. Unfortunately, creativity, knowledge and skills of low housewives become a barrier to making healthy food. Therefore, community service activities are carried out by the Stimulus Community Partnership Program Team (PKMS) in the form of training in processing technology, packaging, determining consumer acceptability, estimating shelf life, and marketing of healthy food functional food applications for toddlers and children so that the formation of entrepreneurial groups with supporting facilities in the form of production equipment.</p> Andwini Prasetya Prasetya Siska Apriyani Heri Fariadi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-04-06 2022-04-06 1 1` 236 246 Pemanfaatan Pati Kulit Ubi Kayu sebagai Bahan Baku Edible Coating dengan Penambahan Kitosan untuk Memperpanjang Umur Simpan Jeruk Rimau Gerga Lebong (RGL) Bengkulu <p>Province has a superior local citrus commodity, namely the Rimau Gerga Bengkulu (RGL) orange. RGL oranges have specifications including elliptic fruit (clavate-ovoid), yellow-orange, <br>thick fruit skin (0.4-0.5 cm), large fruit size (173-347 grams), fresh sour sweet fruit flesh taste , 89.2% water content, 10.51% sugar content, 0.92% acid content, and vitamin C content 18.34mg / 100g. One of the constraints to developing RGL oranges is the low shelf life of citrus fruits (easy to rot) ) especially if stored at room temperature due to poor post-harvest handling. Cassava skin starch is very potential to be used as the basic material for making edible coatin. Every 1 kg of cassava will usually produce ± 20% of cassava skin with starch content ranging from 44-59%. Although cassava starch has good properties as an ingredient in making edible coatings, starch has the disadvantages of low water resistance and low water vapor barrier so that it is easily damaged / torn and the storage is less than optimal so it needs the addition of biopolymers, hydrophobic in nature and or which have antimicrobial properties. one of them is chitosan. This research is a basic research to (1) determine the quantity of starch from cassava peel produced (2) Determine the amount of starch to be made for the use of cassava starch concentration that will be applied to grapefruit gerga rhythm (RGL). The yield resulting from the manufacture of cassava peel starch is 9.1%. The application of starch from cassava and chitosan to citrus gerong lebong (RGL) is still considered feasible because with 405 grams of starch from cassava peels can smear up to 243 oranges.</p> Andwini Prasetya Siska Apriyani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-04-06 2022-04-06 1 1` 247 256 Pengaruh Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari (Marine Ecotourism) Pantai Linau Desa Lanau Kabupaten Kaur Provinsi Bengkulu <p>The development of marine tourism lately is more directed at activities that are insightful to the preservation of resources and the environment or better known as marine ecotourism. This marine ecotourism has a concept on the utilization of coastal resources and various small islands that prioritize environmental conservation. in this study the authors set 5 research variables namely attraction, accessibility, public and private facilities, image and environmental quality as variables that are considered capable of influencing the development <br>of marine ecotourism ) on the coast of linau the village of silt. From the results of data processing obtained adjusted R square value = 0.344 (34.4%). Hypothesis testing is obtained that the attraction variable (t statistic = 4.426, P value = 0.000), accessibility (accessibility) (Statistics = 2.017, P value = 0.044), image (image) (t Statistics = 2.368, P value = 0.018) and environmental quality (t Statistics = 3.072, P Value = 0.002) has a significant positive effect on the variables of marine ecotourism. While the Public and Private Facilities variable (t statistic= 0.078, P value= 0.938) does not have a significant effect on marine ecotouris.</p> Eska Prima Monique D Yun Fitriano Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 257 268 Implementasi Pasal 55 Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Terhadap Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Desa di Wilayah Kecamatan Karang Tingggi Bengkulu Tengah <p>Village Fund Allocation (ADD) originating from the APBN intended for villages that are transferred through the Regency / City APBD and used to finance government administration, implementation of development, community development, and community empowerment in the village. Article 55 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, said the Village Consultative Body (BPD) has the function of accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the village community, discussing and agreeing to the Village Regulation Draft with the Village Head, and the BPD having the supervisory authority over the performance of the Village Head. This type of research is quantitative which aims to desk monitoring the implementation of Article 55 of law number 6 of 2014 concerning the functions of village consultative bodies on village fund allocation policies in the Karang Tingggi District of Bengkulu Tengah Regency. The research data was obtained by distributing questionnaires in 18 (eighteen) villages in Karang Tinggi District, Central Bengkulu, which were serving as Village Devices and Village Consultative Bodies. The analytical method used is linear regression using statistical software, the output target of this study is published in national journals and presented in national seminars so that it can be implemented directly by village consultative bodies in carrying out their functions. The results of this study prove that there is a significant influence between the implementation of article 55 of Law No. 0. 6 of 2014 from the functions of legislation and aspirations for village fund allocation policies.</p> Jamil Afrianto Kresnawati Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 269 278 Strategi BUMDES dalam Meningkatkan Potensi dan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir Kabupaten Seluma dengan Metode Criterium Plus-AHP <p>To get the best innovation strategy for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) to improve the economic well-being of coastal communities in Sukasari, Lawang Agung and Kunkai Baru villages, Seluma Regency, an analysis of potential mapping and problems that occur in BUMDES using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method through techniques SWOT analysis and Criterium Plus - Analytical Hierarchy Process analysis. The results of the study showed that there were 4 priority issues that occurred in the existing BUMDES, namely the problem of weak financial governance, weak management of BUMDES, limited marketing access, and<br>similarities in the business fields of BUMDES to other BUMDES. The strategy for problem solving can be done through efforts to build a network of marketing, business feasibility studies through BUMDES health checks and build synergies with the Regional Government regarding Park Tourism Permits.</p> Kresnawati Siti Hanila Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 279 287 Pemanfaatan Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Usaha Kreatif dalam Menunjang Perekonomian Masyarakat Desa Nakau Bengkulu Tengah <p>The research was carried out with the aim of providing direct insight to the community regarding the utilization of oil palm waste as a productive product with selling value. The research that will be carried out is descriptive research that describes how the process and results of the utilization of oil palm waste. The population in this study was the people in Nakau Village, Central Bengkulu Regency. The research subjects were the target of nakau villagers who owned oil palm plantations. The research was carried out by simulating the production of products and continued design independently. The method of conducting the study consisted of: (1) field survey, (3) coordination to the village, (4) socialization, (5) simulation, and (6) dissemination of public response questionnaires. The data collection tool consists of interview sheets and public response questionnaire sheets. Through this activity, the community is expected to be able to utilize oil palm fronds and farmers have solutions for oil palm fronds.</p> Melly Susanti Ermy Wijaya Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 288 296 Peranan Analisis Manajemen Kredit untuk Menurunkan Terjadinya Kredit Bermasalah (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional (BTPN) Kantor Cabang Bengkulu) <p>This research aims to discover, analyze and examine (1) the credit management performed on a SHORT BTPN Bengkulu Branch in an effort to minimize bad debt on SHORT BTPN Bengkulu Branch, (2) factors that lead to problematic, (3 credits Handling of problematic credits on) SHORT BTPN Bengkulu Branch. This includes research into research survey, in this case the researchers work directly contributes to obtain data by conducting interviews with employees of credit and part of the elements of the leadership SHORT BTPN Branch Bengkulu and selected clients. Based on the data type of this research include kulitatif research, with the aim to find out until sejauhmana menajemen credit applied can minimize bad debt on SHORT BTPN Bengkulu Branch. Model analysis in this study uses descriptive method to create a picture in a systematic and factual and accurate regarding the facts in accordance with the phenomena that happen.The results of this research indicate that: (1) SHORT BTPN Bengkulu Branch credit management has run the gamut from planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring, (2)<br>the factors that caused the bad debt is caused by the client that is going on family issues, the failure of the effort and things that are not estimated (post majeur situations), (3). The handling of bad debt carried by Rescheduling, Restructuring, Reconditioning, and surrender the collateral to banks SHORT BTPN KC Bengkulu</p> Sri Handayani Mimi Kurnia Nengsih Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 297 309 Potensi Usaha Kuliner Asli Daerah Dalam Menunjang Pariwisata Di Provinsi Bengkulu <p>This study analyzes the potential of indigenous regional culinary business in supporting tourism in Bengkulu Province, in analyzing this potential, the research is focused on several tourist areas in Bengkulu Province, by looking at the development of culinary efforts that enliven the tourism objects studied. The purpose of this study is to find out the strategies applied by native food entrepreneurs so that the food produced can be widely known in the community and play a role in supporting the development of tourism in Bengkulu Province. This research is descriptive research (descriptive research) using primary and secondary data. The method of data analysis is qualitative descriptive. In conducting data analysis is done by collecting secondary data and primary data. Secondary data was obtained from the Bengkulu Provincial Government, Bengkulu Province Tourism Office and the Central Bureau of Statistics. Primary data is obtained by interviewing directly with tourist visitors, traders or entrepreneurs of typical Bengkulu food. With this research, it is expected to be able to increase the potential of native regional specialties, and serve as a strategy to increase tourism visits in Bengkulu Province, so that the Regional Government can improve itself to prepare all aspects that can support increased tourist visits. The analytical tool used in this research is by using Swot analysis as a tool used to determine potential exploration strategies. SWOT itself stands for strenght, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which means identifying internal strengths and weaknesses of things and opportunities and threats that come from the environment around the business or business being run (external factors), which will provide solutions to explore culinary potential researched.</p> Suswati Nasution Rinto Noviantoro Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 310 318 Tinjauan Hipnosis dan Hypnostudying dalam Mekanisme Pembelajaran Bagi Peserta Didik <p>Human nature is given by the Creator, namely God Almighty of a nature, dignity, dignity, human rights and obligations, and it is fitting for humans to place themselves as special individuals able to think about what they think and solve the problems they face. Where hypnosis and hypnosis are something that can change lives. In its development, hypnosis and hypnosis enter the realm of learning at the elementary, junior high, high school levels and even universities in the form of hypnostudying so that learning can be done well between hypnotists (teachers, lecturers and parents) with students or clients. By way of suggestion is a psychological process to guide someone or students to think and feel towards certain goals. Therefore suggestion is the key to the process of programming the hypnotized person (the Client).</p> Henry Kristian Siburian Lince Tomoria Sianturi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 319 324 Efektifitas Media Sosialisasi untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) di Kota Bengkulu <p>This study aims to examine the effectiveness of socialization media in order to increase community participation in the KOTAKU Program in Bengkulu City. The study was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach, which clearly illustrates the effectiveness of socialization media in order to change people's attitudes and behavior in the implementation of the KOTAKU Program in the City of Bengkulu. Data collection in this study was carried out through several techniques: 1) interviews with communities around the KOTAKU Program location to obtain data on their knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards the KOTAKU program, and data on socialization media that are appropriate for use in the KOTAKU Program, 2) Group Discussion Focus group discussion with community leaders and implementers of the KOTAKU Program, to obtain data on socialization media that effectively increase community participation in the implementation of the KOTAKU Program, 3) Documentary studies relating to data on the KOTAKU Program in Bengkulu City. The results of the study show that the media for the socialization of the city without slums (KOTAKU) program has not been effective in increasing community participation in realizing Bengkulu City without slums according to 7 + 1 indicators of slum problems namely uninhabitable homes, access to sanitation, access to road networks, solid waste, environmental drainage, prevention fire hazards and drinking water problems.</p> Indria Bayu Risdiyanto Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 325 332 Survei Kemampuan Fisik Lari 50 Meter, Sit-Up dan Push Up Bagi Siswa Tunagrahita Kota Bengkulu <p>This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of Tunagrahuta students in Bengkulu City Special School. Using the TKJI physical freshness test. This method is a quantitative descriptive method of developing a survey with measurement tests. To develop norms of physical fitness tests for normal students and used as test norms as a reference for students having special needs especially for mentally disabled students to see the level of physical fitness. The sample of this study amounted to 25 people sampling collection techniques using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed the physical fitness level of Bengkulu City Special Forces students can be seen as a conclusion: in the category of inadequate with the details of the 50-meter running test with an average of 12.34 with a value of 1 which means that it is Very Less. Sit-up ability test with an average of 19.88 with a value of 3 Categories Enough and a Push-up Ability Test with an average of 13.44 with a value of 2 categories Less. So to improve physical fitness, it is necessary to improve the principle of practice that is the process of change for the better, including improving physical quality, functional ability of the body and psychological activity. The higher the physical activity carried out every day the better. The better also in the process of growth and development of children, not only is the duty of parents, but the task of the school as well. Physical education teachers have a very important role to help students achieve physical fitness. By providing physical fitness learning and also providing physical fitness<br>exercises for students</p> Feby Elra Perdima Satria Agustian Lesmana Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-04-07 2022-04-07 1 1` 333 342 Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Berbasis Teknologi di SMKN 5 Kota Bengkulu <p>In this study, researchers used the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Method which was developed through technology. In general, MMP uses 5 stages by using time in each process, namely Review (10 Minutes), Development (35 Minutes), Control Exercise (20 Minutes), Seat Work (15 Minutes) and Assignment (5 Minutes). This method was applied to mathematics subjects, the main discussion of the congruence in SMKN 5 Kota Bengkulu. Development of the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Method by using the Adobe Flash Professional CS.5 Application. This application is expected to bring a more conducive learning atmosphere and can improve student learning outcomes on mathematics subjects in the subject matter of congruence. When researchers conducted preliminary observations at SMKN 5 in Kota Bengkulu, this research was welcomed and it was hoped that there would be a change in the results of values, especially congruence.</p> Jumiati Siska Edy Susanto Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 343 349 Pengembangan Permainan Tradisional Hadang Melalui Latihan Plyometric pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 98 Bengkulu Utara <p>Fighting games are regional games from Indonesia that we can now meet and play with children. This game is a team game consisting of two teams, each team consists of 5-7 people. The core of the game is to confront the opponent so that he can't get past the line with the rules that have been determined. To win a player must collect points by passing the guards from the row to the last row, and vice versa. This study aims to determine the results of the development of the method of plyometric training (Scissor Jump, Stride Jump Crossover, Lateral Bound) and for playing games. Plyometric is a method of training that focuses on movement at high speed. The method used in this study is research-based development (R &amp; D), aimed at developing plyometric training products. The research sample is the fifth grade students of SD North 98 North Bengkulu, amounting to 28 people. In the initial observation researchers have obtained data in the form of pre-tests and the results of interviews from both teachers and students.Based on the results of the study using the plyometric method shows that the basic physical condition of the fifth grade students of North Bengkulu Elementary School 98 in the good category. This is evidenced by the results of cognitive and psychomotor tests that have been conducted on small group trials with the acquisition of a percentage of 20% (2 people) with very good categories, 50% percentage (5 people) with good categories, 10% percentage (1 person) with enough categories and a percentage of 20% (2 people) with less categories. Whereas in large group trials there was a percentage of 21% (6 people) with a very good category, a percentage of 43% (12 people) with a good category, a percentage of 25% (7 people) with enough categories, and a percentage of 11% (3 people) with less category. Thus, it can be concluded that the plyometric method is feasible to be used for fifth grade students of North Bengkulu Elementary School 98. Suggestions to teachers assess that the use of the plyometric method is an alternative in the learning process, especially traditional games.</p> Supriyanto Martiani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 350 356 Upaya Pengembangan Model Media Audio-Visual untuk Meningkatkan Nilai-Nilai Agama dan Moral Anak Usia Dini Kota Bengkulu <p>This study aims to: (1) Design audio-visual media development that can enhance religious and moral values in learning; (2) Describe the effectiveness of using audio-visual media to improve religious and moral values. The subjects of this study were class B teachers and children in the B grade of Bengkulu City. While the object of this research is audio-visual media as a learning medium in aspects of religious and moral values. This research was carried out using a "Research and Development" approach. Research and development aim to find and develop and validate a product, thus R &amp; D research is longitudinal, research and development is also a method used to produce new products and test the effectiveness of these products. Based on the analysis used in this study, conclusions are taken: (1) Audio-visual media as learning media that can explain abstract religious and moral values to be concrete and attract children's attention so that they can increase religious and moral values child. (2) The audio-visual media developed is an effective alternative media as a learning media for aspects of religious and moral values to enhance the religious and moral values of Class B PAUD children. Increased religious values are significantly based on the results of t-test level significance 0.00 which is smaller than 5%. The use of audio-visual media can improve children's morale after using audio-visual media is higher than before using audio-visual media.</p> Lydia Margaretha Dwi Nomi Pura Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 357 366 Analisa Peningkatan Kekuatan Otot pada Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik dengan Hemiparese melalui Latihan Range of Motion (ROM) Pasif di RSUD Curup Bengkulu <p>Stroke is the highest cause of disability in the world. Residual symptoms of stroke include complications, in which 80% of stroke patients experience a partial or total decrease in the movement and strength of the arm or leg on one side of the body, where paralysis is the biggest complication. Recovery or stroke treatment is a process that can be done while in the hospital by providing ROM (Range of Motion) exercises. This study aims to Analysis of Muscle Strength Enhancement in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients with Hemiparese Through Passive Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises at Curup Bengkulu Hospital 2019. This research method uses the Quasi Experiment design pre and post test design. The number of samples in this study were 20 respondents consisting of the intervention group and the control group. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling, bivariate data analysis on this research using Wilcoxon test.The results of this study indicate the average value of muscle strength pre-test and post-test. increased in the intervention group and there was no increase in the control group. significant value (p = 0.008) in the intervention group and (p = 0.5) in the control group. Conclusion there is the effect of Range Of Motion exercise on the muscle strength of non-hemorrhagic stroke patients in RSUD Curup ICU in 2019. It is suggested to the Curup Hospital institutions to be able to improve the quality of service and be able to apply and do ROM therapy in nonhemorrhagic stroke patients.</p> Elsi Rahmadani Handi Rustandi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 367 371 Hubungan Status Stunting dengan Perkembangan pada Anak Usia Pra Sekolah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kemumu Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara <p>Stunting is a growth failure on children because lack of nutrition so children becomes too short for their age. In Indonesia, there are 37% of toddler suffer from stunting with stunting prevalence the 5th of the world. Stunting toddler has no maximum cleverness, easier to get sick and has a risk decreasing productivity in the future and obstruct the economy growth, increase poverty and there will be more imbalance. Stunting prevalence in Bengkulu are 29,4% where the highest incident in North Bengkulu (35,5%) to analyze the stunting status with social personal growth, soft motoric, language and hard motoric on pre-school children at North Bengkulu Regency. This research uses cross-sectional design with 100 children as sample and taken by using purposive sampling. Stunting status assessment are assessed with height z-score according to age (height/age) and classified according to WHO. The children growth are measured with Denver II test. Ada are analyzed by using chi-square. There are 32 children with stunting cases, statistic correlation test shows that there is correlation between stunting status with children social personal growth (p=0.163) and language (p=0.119) on pre-school children age. There is a correlation between stunting case with Soft motoric (p=0.003) and hard motoric growth on pre-school children (p=0.004). There is a correlation between stunting status with soft motoric and hard motoric growth on children.</p> Syami Yulianti Diyah Tepi Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 372 381 Pengaruh Akupresur terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Nifas di Klinik Bersalin Trismaliah Desa Laut Dendang Kecamatan Medan Tembung Tahun 2019 <p>Acupressure is a healing approach originating from the eastern region that uses massage points in the body (energy flow lines / meridians) to reduce pain or change organ function. In addition, acupressure is one of the easy-to-learn and safe massage techniques that are effective for hundreds of years using acupressure, which is expected to increase milk production in nursing mothers. The purpose of this study was to determine "The Effect of Acupressure on Increasing Breast Production in Postpartum Mothers in the Trismaliah Maternity Clinic in Laut Dendang Village, Medan Tembung District in 2019". This research uses a quantitative design research design with a Quasi-experimental design using the Pre post onlu control approach. all breastfeeding mothers who came to the Trismalia Maternity Clinic to conduct examination visits in January - April 2019 as many as 30 breastfeeding mothers, with a total sampling technique of 30 breastfeeding mothers. Divided into two samples 15 for those given the acupressure method and 15 more not given the acupressure method. Data analysis techniques were performed using Wilcoxon test analysis and comparing methods using the Mann Whitney test then the results were narrated. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of acupressure on the increase in breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Trismaliah Maternity Clinic in Dendang Laut Village, Medan Tembung District in 2019, a significance value of 0.004 (p &lt;0.05). For Expected to be able to provide information to the community related to the use of acupressure to increase breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Bersalin Trismaliah clinic in Dendang Ocean Village, Medan Tembung Subdistrict, and train researchers to develop thinking objectively so that it becomes a useful experience for researchers about the use of acupressure methods in launching milk production.</p> Dewi Ramadani Niasty Lasmy Zaen Nila Hayati Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 382 390 Pengaruh Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Metode Sahli Terhadap Metode Cyanmethemoglobin Sebagai Alat Skrining Anemia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sialang Buah Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Tahun 2019 <p>Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high at 305 per 100,000 live births and is above the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 70 per 100,000 live births. The main cause of maternal death is bleeding caused by anemia. The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Sialang Buah Health Center is quite high in 2018 which is 40.7% and has increased from 2017 (40.5%) and 2016 (32.3%). This study aims to determine the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in 2019 through screening. It is also tested the validity and reliability of the screening tool. This study was conducted in June-July 2019 using a descriptive observational design. The sample was all pregnant women who made antenatal visits at the Sialang Buah Health Center with a sample size of 62 people. Pregnant women were interviewed with a questionnaire to find out their characteristics, then venous blood was taken. Blood Hb levels were examined using a screening tool (Sahli Method) and Gold standard (Cyanmetahemoglobin Method). They were declared anemia if blood Hb level is ? 11gr/dl. Then the examination results were analyzed to determine the prevalence, sensitivity and reliability. Of the 62 pregnant women screened there were 26 people who were anemic (prevalence rate = 41.9%). Most of the pregnant women were aged 20-35 years, that were 18 people (69.2%), Their education were junior high school level tht were 13 people (50.0%), mothers who work as housewives that were 24 people (92.3% ), and mothers with the first pregnancy that were 10 people (38.5%). The validity of the screening tool showed sensitivity 61.53%, specificity 75.0%, positive predictive value 64.0%, negative predictive value 72.97%. Reliability testing shows the value of the Cohen Kappa agreement coefficient of 0.37 (indicating a weak agreement). The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in the working area of Sialang Buah Health Center was quite high. It is expected that the health center officers will immediately take care of pregnant women who are anemia and do counseling related to the danger of anemia. The value of the sensitivity and specificity of the screening tool is quite high and the reliability value is considered weak. The Sahli method is considered less feasible for anemia examination at the Sialang Buah Health Center and is recommended to use the Cyanmethemoglobin method.</p> Edy Marjuang Purba Nurazizah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 391 399 Perilaku Promotif Sehat Dalam Meningkatkan Status Kesehatan Lansia di Kecamatan Pantai Labu Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2019 <p>Aging will happen to every enthusiast, is a process that occurs naturally. Aging is characterized by a decrease in physical, cognitive, psychological, and social conditions, sometimes coming quickly but there are times when it goes through a long process, but many elderly people who do not want to check their health to the puskesmas are caused by factors, attitudes, intentions, subjective norms and controls behavior. The type of research is observational with a cross sectional approach. The method of sampling is purposive sampling which amounts to 282 respondents. With the Total Sampling data collection technique that is the entire population is a sample from the study. Chi square statistical test results. The results of the study, there was a significant effect between attitudes toward healthy elderly promotive behavior, with a significance value of 0.001, There was a significant influence between subjective norms on healthy behavior of the elderly, with a significance value of 0.003, there was a significant influence between behavioral control of elderly healthy behavior , with a significance value of 0.007, There is a significant influence on the healthy promotive behavior of the elderly, with a significance value of 0.007, There is a significant influence between the decision on healthy elderly promotive behavior in Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, with a significance value of 0.002. It is recommended to health workers so that the healthy promotive behavior model in the elderly can be used as teaching staff, students in health institutions such as public health, nursing in gerontik nursing courses and the practice of promotive, preventive efforts in controlling and preventing health in the elderly.</p> Masdalifa Pasaribu Dewi Ramadani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 400 407 Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Ruang Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perawat dalam Pelayanan <p>Nurse job satisfaction is a very important element that affects the satisfaction of nursing services in the hospital. One of the factors that cause job satisfaction from nurses is influenced by the leadership style practiced by the head of the room in leading and coordinating the nurses in conducting nursing care. One of the leadership models that can be implemented for increasing nurse satisfaction is transformational leadership. The purpose of this article is to determine the effect of headroom's transformational leadership style on nurse job satisfaction in service. This article uses a literature review research design that researchers review, summarize, and write thoughts on several libraries such as articles, books, and laws. The results obtained that transformational leadership can be a solution to improve service behavior through charismatic leadership, inspirational, have intellectual stimuli and individualized considerations. Charismatic leadership, namely the head of space must be able to clearly convey his vision to enhance the quality of nursing services. Inspiring leadership is that leaders are able to convey high expectations regarding the quality of service and inspire other nurses. Leadership that has intellectual stimulation that is able to motivate, provide support for other nurses to speak and provide opportunities for training. Leaders have individualized considerations, such as giving rewards according to individual nurse's achievements. Transformational leadership style has a positive influence on nurse job satisfaction.</p> Miftahul Jannah Anggorowati Agus Santoso Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 408 413 Pengaruh Pijat Akupresur terhadap Mual Muntah pada Ibu Hamil Trimester 1 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sukaramai Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Nausea Vomiting is often overlooked because it is considered a normal consequence at the beginning of pregnancy without recognizing the great impact it has on women and their families, so action is needed in restraint that is by using acupressure techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acupressure massage on vomiting nausea in trimester 1 pregnant women in the working area of Sukaramai Medan Health Center in 2019. This study uses a quantitative design research type with a quasi-experimental design using the Pre post only control approach. The population of all first trimester pregnant women who came to the Sukaramai Medan Health Center Work Area to conduct an inspection visit in March - April 2019 as many as 30 trimester 1 pregnant women, with total sampling technique sampling. Data analysis techniques were carried out using the Wilcoxon test and comparing methods using the Whitney Test test and the results were narrated. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of acupressure massage on Vomiting Nausea in 1st trimester pregnant women in the Sukaramai Medan Health Center Work Area in 2019, with a pvalue (0.000) &lt;? (0.05). For research sites, it is recommended that health workers provide information and training on the use of acupressure therapy to reduce complaints of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women in the first trimester. Pregnant women carry out acupressure relaxation therapy appropriately to reduce nausea and vomiting in the first trimester.</p> Niasty Lasmy Zaen Dewi Ramadani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 414 420 Perbandingan Kepuasan Mahasiswa antara Metode Pembelajaran Problembased Learning (PBL) dan Ceramah di STIKes RS Haji Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Problem based learning (PBL) is an active teaching and learning method that has been used by educators for more than 50 years. Problem-based learning is most often conceptualized as a strategy that uses stimulus problems for students to develop and gain knowledge about diabetes erupting in infants. The research objective was to find out to find out the comparison of student satisfaction between learning methods of problem based learning (PBL) and lectures on diabetes mellitus material in infants at Stikes Rs Medan Hajj in 2019. This study uses a quantitative design research type with a quasi-experimental design using a Non Equivalent Control Group approach without a control group. The population of all undergraduate students of STIKes RS Haji Medan with a total of 59 people with Purposive Sampling sampling techniques with a sample size of 30 students. Data analysis techniques were carried out by using Mann Whitney test (x) test statistic analysis to see the comparison between the two variable variables was meaningful or not significant. At a significance level of 95% (P &lt;0.05). Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant comparison between student satisfaction with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning method and lectures on diabetes mellitus material in infants in the Medan Hajj Hospital STIKes in 2019, with a p value = 0.010 (p &lt;0 , 05).</p> Saddiyah Rangkuti Devi Sagita Saragih Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 421 426 Pengaruh Teknik Hypnobirthing terhadap Lamanya Proses Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif dan Tingkat Nyeri pada Ibu Bersalin di Klinik Bersalin Eka Sriwahyuni Kecamatan Medan Denai Tahun 2019 <p>Pain in childbirth is a uterus contraction pain which can cause the increase in the activity of sympathetic nervous system. Today, pain can be reduced by using hypnobirthing relaxation method which is aimed to make the process of childbirth become relaxed without severe pain. The objective of the research was to find out the influence of hypnobirthing on the length of birthing period I Active Phase and Childbirth Pain in childbirth women in Klinik Bersalin. The research used True Experimental Design with Posttest – Only Control Design. The treatment population was all childbirth women who had gotten suggestive hypnobirthing in Klinik Bersalin Eka Sri Wahyuni. The control population was childbirth women who did not get suggestive hypnobirthing. The samples were 25 respondents for treatment group and 25 respondents for control group. The data were analyzed by using independent t-test. The result of the research showed that there was the influence of hypnobirthing on the length of the process of childbirth in the period I Active Phase in primapara and multipara childbirth women at pvalue &lt; 0.005. There was the influence of hypnobirthing in childbirth pain of period I Active Phase in primapara and multipara childbirth women at p-value &lt; 0.005. It is recommended that health care providers, especially midwives, increase the understanding and skill in hypnobirthing technique so that the process of childbirth can be safe, smooth, and fast since. the initial pregnancy by providing.</p> Sri Misleini Suriani Dewi Ramadani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 427 433 Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Peran Petugas Kesehatan dalam Manajemen Bencana Alam di Rumah Sakit Umum Muyang Kute Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2017 <p>Disaster is a series of events that disrupt people's lives and livelihoods caused by natural, nonnatural and human factors that result in human casualties, environmental damage, property loss and psychological impacts. National Board for Disaster Management. Recorded 513 disasters occurred from January to March 2017. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge with the role of health workers in natural disaster management in Muyang Kute General Hospital, Bukit District, Bener Meriah District, 2017. This type of research was analytic descriptive with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all health workers in Muyang Kute General Hospital, as many as 541 people. The sampling technique was using simple random sampling with a total sample of 84 people. The instruments used were questionnaire sheets and analysis of Chi-square correlation test data. The results of the study the majority of good knowledge as many as 43 people (51.2%), and the role of health is good as many as 43 people (51.2). Chi-Square test results0.035 (&lt;0.05) there is a relationship of knowledge with the role of health workers in natural disaster management at Muyang Kute General Hospital, Bukit District, Bener Meriah District in 2017. The conclusion of the research there is a relationship of knowledge with the role of health workers in disaster management In the 2017 Muyang Kute General Hospital, Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency, it is expected that the Local Government will hold a disaster simulation activity in terms of increasing the role and knowledge of health workers.</p> Syahferi Anwar Zuidah Arya Fahul Ayadi S Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 434 440 Pengaruh Murrotal Al-Qur’an Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Menyusui Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bandar Khalifah Tahun 2019 <p>Early breastfeeding is highly recommended because it provides health benefits for both mother and baby. During this time, the mother and baby learn to breastfeed, in the first hour the baby will learn to suckle or get used to sucking the nipples and preparing the mother to produce breast milk colostrum. First day breastfeeding will save 16% of neonatal deaths and early breastfeeding in the first hour will save 22% of infant under five years of age per year. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of murrotal al-quran on breast milk production in nursing mothers. This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pretest and posttest design, a study conducted with one group that was given certain treatment, then observed before and after treatment. Bivariate analysis in this study used the Wilcoxon test. The results of bivariate analysis with Wilcoxon test, there are differences in the production of breast milk before being given the Murrotal Al-Qur'an therapy and after being given the Murrotal Al-Qur'an therapy that is obtained the value of p value 0.000 The results of the analysis show that there is an influence of giving Murrotal Al-Qur'an therapy to the production of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers in the working area of the city of khalifah health center in 2019. The results of this study are expected to be information for health workers and the community, specifically about the effect of murottal al-qur'an on mothers in breastfeeding and it is hoped that further researchers will be able to expand and developing this title for the better, with a greater number of samples and in different regions.</p> Yetti Fauziah Silalahi Fitriani Fadillah Fithriani Aisyah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 441 445 Hubungan Self Care dengan Kualitas Hidup pada Pasien Ulkus Diabetikum yang dirawat dengan Metode Perawatan Luka Modern di Klinik Asri Wound Care Tahun 2019 <p>Patients with diabetic ulcers are susceptible to poor quality of life, related to the healing process of patients who take a long time. Nursing This condition is the cause of the patient's less self-care. Self care that is less obedient will have a bad impact on quality of life. Caring for diabetic ulcers with modern care methods is the patient's choice to increase self care and quality of life. This study aims to identify the relationship of self care with quality of life in diabetic ulcer patients treated with modern wound care methods at the Asri Wound Care Clinic in 2019. This type of research uses correlation. The research design uses cross sectional design. The population and research samples were all 38 diabetic patients at the Asri Wound Care Clinic each month. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, the number of samples was 30 people. Instrument uses questionnaire self care sheets and quality of life. Data presentation was done by univariate and bivariate using Chi Square test. The results showed that the majority of self care obedient as many as 20 people (66.7%) and the majority of the quality of life were as good as 17 people (56.7%). The results of data analysis using the Chi Square test showed a r value of 0.004 (&lt;0.05). Use of modern wound care in this study shows an improvement in quality of life after doing wound care with modern dressings. Quality of life improvement is in line with the results that show improvement in wound conditions that have an impact on increasing self care and quality of life. The research conclusion is that there is a relationship between self care and quality of life in diabetic ulcer patients at Asri Wound Care Clinic in 2019. It is expected that the clinic will pay attention to self care and quality of life of these patients, along with wound care with modern wound care methods.</p> Yulis Hati Rosanti Muchsin Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 446 451 Pengaruh Senam Hipertensi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi di Puskesmas Bakongan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Tahun 2019 <p>Hypertension is a chronic disease that is often called the silent killer, because in general patients do not know that patients suffer from hypertension before checking their blood pressure. The purpose of this research is the influence of hypertension exercises on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Bakongan District Health Center. Aceh Selatan 2019. This study uses a crosssectional research design. The population in this study were researchers taking hypertension patients who were in Puskesmas Bakongan, South Aceh Regency in 2019 as many as 20 hypertensive patients. With total sampling technique the number of samples in this study were 10 cases and 10 controls. Data analysis techniques were performed using univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The statistical test in this study, paired t-test data was used using significant 0.05. Based on the results of the study There is a significant effect of anti-hypertension exercise on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Bakongan District Health Center. South Aceh in 2019, the results obtained p value 0,000 (p &lt;? = 0.05). For Research on Hypertension is expected to control blood pressure routinely in order to minimize the risk of complications that will arise from the disease, one of the non pharmacology to overcome the above problems of hypertension sufferers can do anti-hypertensive exercise regularly and routinely, decrease blood pressure depending on intensity gymnastics and is highly recommended in middle to upper age, because that age is more at risk of suffering from hypertension.</p> Zuidah Dewi Ramadani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 452 458 Hubungan penggunaan Smartphone dengan Interaksi Sosial pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Kelas 5 dan 6 di SD Muhammadiyah 23 Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Children and adolescents in Indonesia are internet users and digital media for communication. As many as 80% of respondents use the internet and more users live in urban areas than in rural areas. Data on children and adolescents who have never used the internet in urban areas is only 13%, while in rural areas it is 87%. Respondents who use mobile phones to access the internet are 52%, use smartphones 21%, and use tablets 4%. Smartphones have a positive impact and a negative impact. The aim is to find out the relationship between smartphone usage and social interactions of elementary school children in grades 5-6 elementary school. This type of research The research design used was a descriptive analytic research design with a cross sectional approach, a total sampling of 76 people, a total sampling technique that is sampling done by taking the entire population. The results of this study indicate that the majority of social interactions in primary school children are in the maladaptive category of 41 people. From the results of the study found the majority of respondents rarely exchange opinions with parents, prefer to do their own activities, ashamed to apologize first when making mistakes, disobedience, disagree with friends, selfish and rarely listen well when the teacher gives advice. be a reference for educational institutions to provide education to parents, teachers, and students about the use of smartphones that are beneficial and responsible for school-age children and social interactions that school-age children should have. In addition, schools can make policies not to use smartphones or turn off during learning. Students who violate these policies can be sanctioned by calling parents or guardians to school or confiscating smartphones to discipline students.</p> Kamaliah Ainun Kristina Rizki Ramayanda Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 459 462 Efektifitas Pemberian Minuman Kunyit terhadap Penangan Dismenorea Sekunder pada Ibu-ibu di Desa Purbabaru Kabupaten Madina. <p>Menstruation is a sign that the fertile cycle has begun. Menstruation occurs when the inner lining of the uterine lining decays and comes out in a form known as menstruation. The incidence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia in 2010 was 64.25% consisting of 54.89% of primary dysmenorrhoea and 9.36% of secondary dysmenorrhoea. From the initial survey conducted in the 2014 Purbabaru Village, mothers who experienced secondary dysmenorrhea due to the use of contraceptives ranged from 15% of 100 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of giving turmeric drinks to the handling of secondary dysmenorrhoea in mothers in Purbabaru Village, Madina Regency. The type of research design used in this study is Quasi experimental, with one group pretest-posttest approach. The population of this research is 30 mothers in Purbabaru village, Madina district. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling. The instrument in this study was a closed questionnaire in the form of a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) pain scale assessment sheet and instructions for making turmeric drinks and their use and glasses to measure the amount of turmeric drinks to be given to respondents. Based on the results of the dependent t test showed significance with a p value (0,000) &lt;? (0.05) and there was a difference in the average pain scale before and after giving turmeric drinks 2,222. This means that there is a significant difference between the average pain intensity before dysmenorrhoea and after being given turmeric drinks.</p> Yusridawati Rizki Noviyanti Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 463 467 Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Waktu Kerja di PT.KAI (Persero) Balai Yasa Pulu Brayan Medan <p>PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) a large company that was founded in 1945 which continues to strive to provide the best service. Balai Yasa Pulu Brayan as an inseparable part of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), whose duty is to carry out maintenance of facilities especially locomotives are required to always produce the best care. Along with the changing times and the rapid progress in the field of technology, both in terms of facilities that must be treated and support treatment. The system method that the author uses in developing software to build this information system is a research method in the form of direct observation and collecting documents needed for making this application program, using modeling tools including context diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams (DPF). While database application development tools using Visual Basic 6.0 application programs. From the results of the development of the system above is expected to be able to overcome the weaknesses that have been felt.</p> Richard Parlindungan Mamed Rofendi Manalu Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 468 479 Pengaruh Kebiasaan Merokok dalam Keluarga Terhadap Kejadian Pneumonia pada Bayi di Rumah Sakit Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Tahun 2017 <p>Pneumonia is the biggest cause of death for infants in Indonesia. Figures Case Fatality Rate (CFR) due to pneumonia in infants in 2015 is 0.17%. The aim of this study is to factors that affect pneumonia disease in infants at Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Hospital in 2017. This type of research is a retrospective study with case control design. The study was conducted at Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Hospital, from March to December 2017. The population in this study were all infants suffering from pneumonia and not pneumonia patients who came to Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Hospital. Samples are taken in succession. The control sample is taken by matching equal to the thing in terms of age and sex. A large sample of at least 74 infants, with the number of samples for the case group of 37 babies with pneumonia. Data using questioner and analyzed by chi square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that the incidence of pneumonia in infants at Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Hospital by smoking habit (p=0,013; OR=7,354). It is suggested to Imlelda Pekerja Indonesia Hospital, Health Office and Puskesmas Medan to conduct counseling or counseling to family of pneumonia patient about pneumonia disease and prevention such as improvement of smoking hazards.</p> Mira Indrayani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 480 485 Gambaran Perubahan Body Image pada Wanita yang Mengalami Ca.Mamae dengan Tindakan Chemoterphy di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU IPI) Medan <p>Cancer is a new cell growth that forms abnormal tissue that extends to exceed normal tissue limits (Simanjuntak in Hawari 2004) Cancer is also often called a malignant tumor. According to (Chaplin, 2006: 63), body image is an individual idea about the appearance of his body in front of other people. Schilder (in Bell &amp; Rushforth, 2008: 1). According to (Smeltzer and Bare, 2002) chemotherapy is the use of antineoplastic preparations as an effort to kill tumor cells by disrupting cellular function and reproduction. This type of research is descriptive. The population is as much as 50 at the Medan Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital. Method of sampling Non Probability Sampling with Accidental Sampling technique obtained a sample size of 30 sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire, consisting of 12 questions, question measurement techniques using the Guttman scale, in the form of a closed questionnaire. Then the results of the questionnaire are formulated into variable answer intervals using the Sturgers formula to determine the respondent's answer criteria and find out the score and percentage of answers. From the results of the study it was found that the majority of respondents' level of knowledge was quite in accordance with the data of the study amounted to 14 respondents (46.2%), while good knowledge was only 10 respondents (33.3%) and those who had poor knowledge amounted to 6 respondents (11.5%). The difficulty that arises then is if sufficient knowledge or education theoretically and objectively is caused by the attitude of sufferers still<br>not receiving information about health education changes in Body Image for women with Ca Mamae with Chemotherapy. Here also the importance of the role of health workers to improve the knowledge of sufferers and the community in general to be able to overcome in preventing bad changes in patients with Ca Mamae, one of which is providing counseling about changes in Body Image in patients with Ca Mamae with Chemotherapy.</p> Noradina Zainofrianto Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 486 493 Hubungan Pola Asuh Ibu Dengan Status Gastroenteritis Pada Balita di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Tahun 2015 <p>Gastroenteritis is commonly called diarrhea caused by infection of the digestive tract. The cases of gastroenteritis at the Indonesian Imelda General Hospital in Medan in 2013 were 439 cases and experienced a decline in 2014 of 229 cases, but were the biggest disease. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of parenting mothers with gastroenteritis status in toddlers in the Indonesian Medan Imelda Workers General Hospital in 2015. This type of research is quantitative using observational analytics. The study population was mothers who had children under five who were hospitalized with a diagnosis of gastroenteritis totaling 229 people and a sample of 65 people. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using chi square at a significance level of 95%. It is recommended to the hospital leadership to empower health workers to provide health education to families of gastroenteritis sufferers, especially to mothers who have toddlers who have gastroenteritis so that mothers maintain breastfeeding for children under two years of age to prevent dehydration and can provide additional food with concentration soft to increase toddler stamina. Every family can provide first aid to patients with gastroenteritis by giving ORS fluids (sugar and salt solution) to prevent severe symptoms and immediately bring toddlers to health facilities if the frequency of gastroenteritis does not stop for 24 hours.</p> Christina Magdalena T.Bolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 494 502 Pengaruh Usia Ibu Terhadap Kejadian Hipertensi pada Wanita Pasangan Usia Subur di Puskesmas Bangun Purba Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2017 <p>Hypertension is a global problem. Data from WHO shows that the mortality rate caused by hypertension complications in 2013 reached 9.4 deaths worldwide. Further analysis conducted by RISKESDAS 2013 (Basic Health Research 2013) illustrates that the percentage of hypertension in women of reproductive age is 23.6%. Women with chronic hypertension can cause complications during pregnancy compared to those without hypertension. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the factors that influence hypertension in women of reproductive age groups 15-49 years at the Bangun Purba Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency, in 2017. This study is an unparalleled case control study. This research was <br>conducted at the Bangun Purba Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency. The population was all women of childbearing age couples who were hypertensive or not who came for treatment at Puskesmas Bangun Purba from January 2016-March 2017, namely 541 women. The sample consisted of 49 respondents each in a case and control group. Data analysis consisted of <br>univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square. The results showed that the age variable affected hypertension in female partners of reproductive age 15-49 years. Value of OR = 3.6 (95% CI = 1,448 - 9,054). This means that respondents aged&gt; 35 years have a 3.6 times greater risk of experience compared to respondents aged berumur35 years. Based on the analysis of the effect of obesity on hypertension, p values &lt;0.05 were obtained. In conclusion, the variable salt consumption, obesity and age affect the incidence of hypertension and the most influential variable is the salt consumption variable. Dietary settings to consume salt no more than 5 grams a day and maintain ideal body weight for women of reproductive age 15-49 years who are hypertensive or not.</p> Rahmawani Fauza Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 503 507 Analisa Ketidaklengkapan Catatan Medis (KLPCM) Rawat Inap Pasien Bedah Orthopedi di RSUD Sultan Sulaiman Serdang Bedagai Tahun 2018Analisa Ketidaklengkapan Catatan Medis (KLPCM) Rawat Inap Pasien Bedah Orthopedi di RSUD Sultan Sulaiman Serdang Bedagai <p>Completeness of medical records is one indicator of the quality of medical records, especially inpatient medical records. The presence of incomplete problems is often found in inpatients, especially orthopedic surgery. To improve health services in orthopedic surgery patients must be based on quality medical record services. This study aims to determine the number of incomplete medical records of inpatient orthopedic surgery patients at Sultan Sulaiman Hospital Serdang Bedagai. This study uses a descriptive method that is a method of research conducted with the main objective to determine the number of incomplete medical records inpatient filling in orthopedic surgery patients. From the results of the study it was found that the incompleteness of filling in the integrated record form was 18.47%, the initial assessment was 17.39%. medical resume is 10.87% and informed consent is 11.95%. The doctor's name is19.56% and the doctor's signature is 7.60% while for the patient's identification. the anesthesia record and the operation report are filled in completely. The advice from the author is a fixed procedure Analysis of incompleteness Filling inpatient medical records needs to be revised so that all forms are analyzed. and it is necessary to carry out continuous socialization.</p> Puput Melati Hutauruk Nurul Husna Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 508 514 Hubungan Fungsi Keluarga Bidang Kesehatan Terhadap Relaps Penderita Asma Bronkhiale di Pantai Labu Deli Serdang <p>Asthma is a condition in which the airways experience constriction due to hyperactivity to certain stimuli, which cause inflammation. Poor air quality and changing patterns of life are <br>thought to be the cause of increasing asthma sufferers, '' (Faisal, 2007). Research in the United States has an asthma prevalence of around 3%, while in the UK the figure is around 5%. <br>Research on teachers in India resulted in a prevalence of asthma of 4.1%, while reports from Taiwan showed 6.2%. In neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma are the eighth causes of death (Arief, 2009). Family support is expected to be able to reduce the frequency of recurrence of bronchial asthma in the form of instrumental support, informational support, assessment support, and emotional support. Successful treatment is not only determined by anti-asthma drugs, but also by adherence to taking medication and other matters related to preventing the onset of an asthma attack. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a Family Health Task Relationship Against the Prevention of Recurrence of Asma Bronkhiale Patients in Labu Beach, Deli Serdang Regency. The design of this study is descriptive. The cross-sectional study design correlation. of the 39 respondents the majority had family duties in the field of health, the number of respondents was 21 people (53.8%) with the prevention of majority bronchial asthma recurrence in 21 respondents (53.8%), and family duties in the health sector with a number of respondents 7 (17 , 9%) with the prevention of recurrence of bad bronchial asthma by 2 respondents (5.1%). With the chi-square statistical test, the results obtained p = 0,000 means p &lt;0.05. It can be concluded that "There is a Relationship between Family Knowledge and Attitudes in the Prevention of Bronchial Asthma Recurrence in Labu Nursing Home Deli Serdang District". Conclusion that family support plays an important role to occur or not relapse in Bronchiale Asthma sufferers. Suggestions for the results of this study can be useful to add insight and as an input for refining further research on Prevention. </p> Nixson Manurung Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 515 520 Pengetahuan dan Sikap Wanita Usia Subur Seputar Mitos Kehamilan di Klinik Sulastri Laut Dendang Tahun 2018 <p>Pregnancy is a continuous chain process and consists of ovulation, release of eggs, spermatozoa and ovum migration, conception and growth of the zygote, nidation (implantation) <br>in the uterus, placental formation, and growth and development of the conception to the term (Manuaba, 2010). Myth is a story, opinion or assumption of a culture that is considered to have the truth about a case that was valid in the past, the truth is not necessarily true (Harry Lubis,2009). Fertile Age women (WUS) are women whose reproductive organs function well between the ages of 20 and 45 years. This study aims to determine the knowledge and attitudes of women of childbearing age around pregnancy myths. The research design was accidental sampling with a sample size of 30 people. The study was conducted on 12 to 14 December 2018. The instrument in this study in the form of a questionnaire of research results can be seen that there are 17 respondents (56.6%) do not agree with 5-10 myths on the questionnaire. A total of 13 respondents (43.3%) still agreed&gt; 5 mythical questions on the questionnaire. From the resultsof the study found that there is still enough knowledge of women of childbearing age about the myths surrounding pregnancy.</p> Debora Lestari Simamora Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 521 525 Gambaran Pengetahuan Petugas Rekam Medis Terhadap Indikator Pelayanan Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H. Adam Malik Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Indicator of hospitalization is a picture that aims to determine the level of utilization, the quality of the efficiency of inpatient services and the efficiency of the use of beds in hospitals. BOR is the percentage of bed usage at a certain time unit. AVLOS is the average length of stay of a patient. TOI is the average day when the bed is not occupied from being filled to the next moment. BTO is the frequency of one period of bed usage. NDR mortality after 48 hours the patient was treated. GDR is the general mortality rate. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the knowledge of medical records officers about inpatient service indicators at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in 2019. This type of research is a <br>quantitative study with a descriptive research design. The population in this study were all reporting officers and inpatient registration officers, totaling 11 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Based on the results of research conducted that the majority of respondents' knowledge about inpatient service indicators is sufficient as many as 6 respondents (54.5%), good knowledge is owned by 2 respondents (18.2) and respondent's knowledge of inpatient service indicators is lacking as many as 3 respondents (27.3%). According to the researchers 'assumptions, the level of knowledge of the majority of inpatient service indicators is still quite sufficient, this is due to the respondent's educational competence, which is the result of the study that the majority of respondents' education is D-III Medical Records, as many as 4 respondents (36.4%), computer S1 and the other 3 respondents (27.3%), high school there were 3 respondents (27.3%) S1 Medical Record amounted to 1 respondent (9.0%). Increased knowledge can be obtained through non-formal education that has been followed by respondents while working. The more education the Medical Record competence will be, the more it will affect one's level of knowledge.</p> Esraida Simanjuntak Khairunisah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 526 531 Hubungan Kepatuhan Ibu Nifas Tentang Manajemen Laktasi dengan Tingkat Keberhasilan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Compliance is the extent of patient behavior in accordance with the provisions given by health professionals ". Patients may not adhere to their goals or may simply forget or misunderstand instructions given. Lactation management is a management that regulates the whole process of breastfeeding successfully and the baby receives optimal nutritional conditions and health, starting from Mother's Milk (ASI) ) is produced until the baby's process of sucking and swallowing breast milk that begins during the Antenatal, Prenatal, and Postnatal (Prasetyono, 2009; Maryunani, 2012). Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding from a mother to her baby that is given without food or other drinks, including water or other additional vitamins (Thistle, 2013). This type of research uses descriptive correlation research with cross sectional design. The population of this research was 226 Postpartum mothers, the sample size in this study was 40 Postpartum mothers. This research was conducted at the Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital Medan. Bivariant analysis used is the Chi-Square statistic. Chi-Square test was obtained p value = 0.03 (&lt;0.05) means that there is a relationship between the knowledge of Mother Postpartum about Lactation Management with the Success of Exclusive ASI.</p> Eva Nirwana Hutabarat Anita Syafitri Pohan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 532 537 Pengaruh Self Management Education Terhadap Nilai Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia <p>Diabetes mellitus is one of the four main non-communicable diseases that are targeted for follow-up in the world, where the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes mellitus have increased over the past few decades. Disorders in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins so that blood glucose levels tend to experience an increase caused by damage to the synthesis of pancreatic beta cells or insulin secretion, or the inability of tissues to use insulin. Management of DM, namely education, diet regulation, drug therapy, physical exercise and routine KGD check to prevent complications that improve the quality of life of patients. Effective approaches such as self management education are needed so that people with DM want to routinely undergo management to prevent complications of DM. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences in blood sugar levels of type 2 DM patients before and after self management education. This type of research is a quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The research was carried out at the Imelda General Hospital of Indonesian Workers. The samples were all type 2 DM patients who were treated at the Indonesian Workers' Imelda Hospital at 38 people. Data collection tool using glucometers. The test used is the Wilcoxon test. The results showed a difference in the value of blood sugar levels (p &lt;0.05) before and after self management education was given. The conclusion of the study is self management education provides an influence on DM patients to manage DM disease independently which will produce controlled blood sugar levels. It is recommended for patients to apply DM self management with family assistance when at home and health care parties to improve the implementation of self management education for type 2 DM patients so that patient self management is still carried out at home. </p> Ratna Dewi Maimunah Harahap Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 538 543 Hubungan Fungsi Manajemen Kepala Ruangan dengan Kepatuhan Perawat Pelaksana Dalam Penerapan Patient Safety di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Patient safety is a top priority to be implemented and this is related to the issue of quality and image of the hospital (MOH, 2006). Patient safety culture can be started from the leader, the head of the room is a nursing manager who is directly related to health service activities in patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the management function of the head of the room to the nurse nurses in the application of patient safety at the hospital Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan. This type of research is quantitative research with research design is descriptive correlation, the population in this study were all nurses who were in one hospital in Medan, amounting to 134 people with a total sample of 57 by systematic random sampling. Based on the results of the study show that there is a relationship between the management function of the head of the room with the compliance of implementing nurses in the application of patient safety with a p value of 0.000 &lt;0.05 which means there is a positive relationship if the management function of the head room is getting better . It is expected that hospitals can equip nurses in hospitals with&nbsp; new knowledge about patient safety by conducting socialization or training related to <br>patient safety in order to optimally provide nursing care to all patients. </p> Edisyah Putra Ritonga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 544 549 Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat dengan Proses Penyembuhan Luka pada Pasien Post Sectio Caesarea di RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Sectio caesarea causes a cut on the surface of the abdomen due to surgery. The main principle in wound care management is infection control because the infection inhibits the healing process of the wound, causing the morbidity and mortality to increase. One of the factors that influence wound healing is that it adheres to taking medication because pathogenic microorganisms can enter through the wound at any time so that the need to add to killing pathogenic microorganisms is necessary. The formulation of the research problem is how the relationship of adherence to taking medication with the wound healing process in post sectio caesarea patients. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of adherence to, taking medication with the wound healing process in post sectio caesarea patients. This type of research is a correlation with a cross sectional approach. The study was conducted at the IPI Hospita Medan. The sample was all three days sectio caesarean mothers with 77 people. The data collection tool uses medication compliance questionnaires and wound healing observation sheets. The test used is chi-square. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between medication adherence and caesarean section wound healing (p value &lt;0.05) with a Prevalence Ratio (RP) = 3.44, which meant that the post sectio caesarea mothers who did not adhere to taking medication had a risk of 3.44 times mothers experience infection in surgical wounds compared to obedient mothers taking medication. The conclusion of the study was that there was a significant relationship between medication adherence and caesarean section wound healing (p value &lt;0.05) with the Prevalence Ratio (RP) = 3.44. It is recommended that post sectio caesarea mothers be more active in finding information about how to properly take medication to support the wound healing process to prevent infection in post sectio caesarea patients.</p> Rostinah Manurung Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 550 556 Pengaruh Media Audio Visual pada Sikap Remaja tentang Bahaya Merokok <p>Smoking is a form of bad behavior that can pose a danger to health. At this time smoking has become a habit since adolescence. In terms of preventing smoking behavior in adolescents, promotive actions can be carried out through health education by using audio visual media that provide information and education to improve knowledge and good attitudes towards smoking prevention. The research problem is how the influence of audio-visual media on the level of attitudes of adolescents. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of audio visual media on the level attitudes of adolescents about the dangers of smoking in State Middle School 2 in East Halongonan Subdistrict, North Padang Lawas Regency in the year. This type of research is a quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The study was conducted in State Middle School 2 of East Halongonan Subdistrict, North Padang Lawas Regency. The sample was all male students of class VII and VIII with 84 people divided into 2 groups, namely the intervention and control groups. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire. The test used was Pairet T Test and Independent T Test. The results showed that audio visual media significantly (p &lt;0.05) had an influence on the level of attitudes of adolescents, compared to adolescents who were not intervened with audio visual media. The conclusion of the study is that audio visual media is more effective in increasing adolescent attitudes about the dangers of smoking. It is recommended for parents to avoid smoking behavior in front of children, the school increases collaboration with parents to discuss academic development and student behavior, the nearest health care provider improves health education programs about the dangers of smoking. </p> Sarmaida Siregar Tri Widya Sandika Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 557 563 Efektifitas Pemberian Informasi Kesehatan Tentang Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah pada Pemulung di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Kota Medan <p>Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City is surrounded by residence of scavengers, so that the settlements are dense and slum and have the potential for disease to occur in the community. Scavengers generally have low education and lack of maintenance of their home environment sanitation. The research objective was to analyze the effectiveness of providing health information to scavenger knowledge about home environmental sanitation in the garbage Disposal Site of Medan City. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest group design. The population of the study was all scavengers in the Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City whose samples were taken purposively by 30 people. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test with 95% confidence interval (CI). The results showed that giving health information using power point presentation proved effective in increasing the knowledge of scavengers in Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City with an increase in the average value of knowledge from 10.87 (SD = 3.35) to 12.10 (SD = 3.29) with p = 0.001. It is recommended that the Public Health Center makes a health education program using power point presentations continuously about house sanitation to the scavengers in the prevention of diseases.</p> Valentina Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 564 569 Hubungan Komitmen Kerja Perawat terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Perawat di RSU Mitra Sejati Medan <p>Nurse work commitment is a level of trust, individual attachment to goals and have a desire to remain in the hospital, a desire to perform better in work organizations. So a nurse who has a good work commitment will have a good OCB too. The aim is to find out the relationship between nurses' work commitments and the organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) nurses at Mitra Sejati Hospital, Medan. This study uses a descriptive correlation research with cross sectional design, the population is part of the nurses who meet the inclusion criteria. The sample of this study was 36 respondents obtained using simple random sampling. The instrument used was the work commitment questionnaire with the OCB questionnaire. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire in the range of work commitments good and not good, and OCB questionnaire in the range of high and low OCB. The results of the characteristics of the respondents showed that the majority of nurses have a good work commitment, 27 respondents (75.0%) compared to 9 months (25.0%) of bad working committees and there is a high OCB of 27 respondents (75.0%) . Chi Square test showed that there was a relationship between nurses' work commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) nurses in Mitra Sejati Hospital, Medan (P = 0,000 &lt;? 0.05). It is recommended to all nurses at Mitra Sejati Hospital in Medan to further increase their commitment to work and improve OCB in hospitals to achieve maximum service and safety for patients specifically in the field of applying nursing care. Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City is surrounded by residence of scavengers, so that the settlements are dense and slum and have the potential for disease to occur in the community. Scavengers generally have low education and lack of maintenance of their home environment sanitation. The research objective was to analyze the effectiveness of providing health information to scavenger knowledge about home environmental sanitation in the garbage Disposal Site of Medan City. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest group design. The population of the study was all scavengers in the Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City whose samples were taken purposively by 30 people. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test with 95% confidence interval (CI). The results showed that giving health information using power point presentation proved effective in increasing the knowledge of scavengers in Garbage Disposal Site of Medan City with an increase in the average value of knowledge from 10.87 (SD = 3.35) to 12.10 (SD =3.29) with p = 0.001. It is recommended that the Public Health Center makes a health education program using power point presentations continuously about house sanitation to the scavengers in the prevention of diseases.</p> Basri Melisa Putri Panjitan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 570 577 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Pemukiman di Desa Tanjung Pasir Kecamatan Tanah Jawa Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun 2015 <p>Waste is something unused, to throw away resulted from the human activities. The bad waste management will make waste as the place for the disease to develop, from flies and rats. The less accomodation in slum area causes the decrease of environmental quality. When there are no places to throw waste, the people tend to pile and throw it everywhere. This is a cross sectional study. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors affected society attitude in managgin waste in Desa Tanjung Pasir Kecamatan Tanah Jawa Kecamatan Simalungun in 2015. The Population in this study is all families in Desa Tanjung Pasir around 724 people, and the samples are 88 people. The sample is taken by Simple Random Sampling. The data are collected usin primary and seconddary data. The data are analyzed by editing, coding and tabulating. This is an univariat, bivariat and multivariat analysis. The results of the study show that there is no correlation between age and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value=0,300). there is correlation between education and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0,000). there is no correlation between job and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0695). there is no correlation between income and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0,922). there is correlation between knowledge and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0,000). there is correlation between behaviour and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0,000). there is correlation between the providing of dustbins and society attitude towards housing waste management (p value =0,025). The most dominant Variable is the knowledge (p value=0,001;OR=9,004). Therefore it is hoped to the public health centre to give counselling about housingg waste management. It is suggested to the families not to throw rubbish everywhere but throw the rubbish to the place. </p> Riskawani Eka Putri Perangin-Angin Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 578 592 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Kesehatan Gigi pada Anak Kelas 3 di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 060927 Kecamatan Medan Johor Tahun 2018 <p>Dental health is a health problem that is still a problem in developing countries, and tourism is expected to continue to increase. Dental health travel in Indonesia ranks sixth as the most common dental disease among children. Knowledge in general can affect the ability to form certain behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge with dental health in children in 060927 State Elementary School, Medan Johor District in 2018. The research design was descriptive correlation. The population was 109 people and the sample was 52 people using purposive sampling technique. The test used in this study is the chi square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a&nbsp; elationship between the level of knowledge and dental health in children in 060927 Public Elementary School, Medan Johor District in 2018 with a significant value of p-value = 0.003 where the p-value =&lt;0.05.</p> Lili Tumanggor Nadhilla Putri Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 593 597 Hubungan Karakteristik (Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Status Perkawinan) dengan Aktivitas Fisik dan Aktivitas Sosial Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padangmatinggi Kota Padangsidimpuan <p>Increasing the number of elderly will cause complex problems for the future, for families and communities. Naturally the aging process results in physical and mental changes, affecting their economic and social conditions. Socially independent, the elderly do social activities, have a good relationship with the family and get support from family and community. This study aims to examine the relationship characteristics (age, sex, marital status) with physical activity and social activities in the elderly in the working area Padangmatinggi Padangsidimpuan Health Center. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional research design. This research is done by calculating physical activity with form once 24 hour recall physical activity. Each type of physical activity multiplied by the value of Physical Activity Ratio (PAR) is then calculated using the Physical Activity Level (PAL) formula, while the characteristics and social activities were obtained by interviewing the questionnaires.The samples in this study amounted to 100 people who were elderly.The data analysis was univariate, And bivariate with Chi Square Test. The result of bivariate research shows that there are characteristic relationship (age (p =0,001) and marital status (0,000)) with social activity. There was a significant relationship between age (0.003) and sex (0,024) with physical activity. Suggested to the elderly to maintain physical and mental health condition by always checking health to puskesmas, doing elderly gymnastics, and carry out the worship regularly and regularly and improve the economy. For families it is advisable to keep harmony with parents, keep giving attention, motivation and encouragement to parents to be able to perform activities outside the home.</p> Johanna Christy Lamtiur Junita Bancin Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 598 605 Peranan Promosi Kesehatan Hiv/Aids (Project Peer Educator) pada Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Taiwan <p>HIV / AIDS is an infectious disease through sex and blood, and often be frightened by people. The application of HIV / AIDS health promotion through IEC (Communication, Information, <br>and Education) provides an opportunity for the people to provide information that often remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of HIV / AIDS health promotion through health dissemination on increasing Indonesian Migrant Workers’ knowledge in Taiwan. The type of research used was quasi-experimental research with the one group pretest and post-test design to learn the role of health promotion regarding HIV / AIDS. By using interactive health dissemination methods and discussions are expected to increase knowledge towards HIV / AIDS among migrant workers in the PCINU organization ( Pengurus Cabang Internasional Nadhlatul Ulama). The sample from the study was PCINU members who worked as Migrant Workers in Taiwan and attended the project (30 people) organized by the Taiwan AIDS Foundation on 2 April 2017. Questionnaires as pre-test were given to all respondents before the material was given. Extension materials contain basic information about HIV / AIDS, transmission, prevention, and discrimination. Through health dissemination, the facilitator also persuaded respondents to share knowledge with PMI colleagues through sharing or discussions and distributing leaflets containing information about HIV / AIDS. The results showed that there was an increase in health dissemination (p &lt;0.05) on PMI's knowledge in Taiwan towards HIV / AIDS. That provided an increase in knowledge regarding HIV / AIDS. It showed a positive value rank of 28 which meant 28 people experienced increasing scores after the health dissemination. </p> Lamtiur Junita Bancin Johanna Christy Ari Setyawan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 606 610 Pengaruh Pemberian Konseling KB terhadap Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) di Kelurahan Belawan Bahagia Tahun 2018 <p>Family Planning Program (KB) is one of the programs to reduce maternal mortality and reduce population growth. Understanding MKJP (Long-Term Contra Sepsi Method) is a <br>contraindication that can be used for a long time, more than two years, effective and efficient for the purpose of spacing births for more than 3 years or to terminate a pregnancy in a partner who does not want to add more children. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of family planning counseling by family planning field officers (PLKB) on mothers in the selection of long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) in Belawan Bahagia Village in 2018. This study was an analytic study, with observational research. by looking for influence between variables and an analysis of the data collected and how much the relationship between variables and using primary data and also secondary data. This study uses a cross-sectional design as a research design. The population in this study were all active family planning participants who lived in Belawan Bahagia Subdistrict, Medan Belawan Subdistrict, Medan City, amounting to 1245 people, then the drawing technique was carried out until a sample of 166 samples was obtained. The results of the study found that the selection of material and good counseling media, as well as the majority of methods used the Long Term Contraception Method (MKJP). There is material influence, media and counseling method on MKJP with p.value &lt;0.05.</p> Resy Tesya Mulianda Destyna Yohana Gultom Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 611 615 Hubungan Ulkus Diabetik dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Diasri Wound Care Centre Medan <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a health problem that occurs almost in all walks of life in the world. One of the common complications of diabetes mellitus is the occurrence of diabetic ulcers, <br>complications of diabetic ulcers is a disturbing situation and can trigger excessive anxiety due to a sudden change in life that indicates some negative psychological reactions such as anger, feeling of no use, experiencing physical disturbances in everyday life, pain, risk of amputation, and appearance disorders.The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the influence of diabetic ulcers on the level of anxiety in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in Asri Wound Care Center Medan. The sample in this study were 40 respondents with diabetic ulcers. The instrument used is an anxiety questionnaire and an observation sheet of diabetic ulcer wounds BWAT Scale (Bates-Jansen Wound Assessment Tool).The results of the study were analyzed by correlating between anxiety level and diabetic ulcer in Asri Wound Care Center Medan was 0,024, p Value &lt;? (0,024 &lt;0,05). This means that there is influence between diabetic ulcers with anxiety levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in Asri Wound Care Center Medan. It is expected that nursing practice can be used as a reference by nurses in giving nursing care about the influence of diabetic ulcers on anxiety level in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.</p> Yuni Ramadhani Elmiyani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 698 703 Hubungan Pengetahuan Lansia dengan Personal Hygiene di Desa Lestari Indah Kecamatan Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun <p>The problem of the elderly is now a sexy thing to talk about, this happens because the number of elderly people is increasing. In 2018 the number of elderly people is estimated to reach 9.3% or 24.7 million or 8.69% of the total population. BPS projects that by 2045, Indonesia has around 63.31 million elderly people (almost elderly) or nearly 20 percent of the population. The UN projects that the percentage of Indonesia's elderly will reach 25 percent in 2050 or around 74 <br>million elderly. Government policies need to be optimized to maintain and improve the health of the elderly and prevent PTM. One of the problems faced by the elderly is self care. Self-care is associated with a decrease in physical health, especially in the fulfillment of personal hygiene. Fulfillment of elderly personal hygiene is closely related to knowledge possessed by the elderly and family. This study aims to determine how the relationship between knowledge of the elderly <br>and personal hygiene in the Village of Lestari Indah, Siantar District, Simalungun Regency. The research method uses cross sectional. The sample in this study were 75 people and data collection techniques used interviews. The results showed that the knowledge of the elderly majority (82.7%) was good. The majority of elderly personal hygiene (78.7%) are good. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a significant relationship (p value 0.001) between knowledge with personal hygiene of the elderly in Desa Lestari Indah, Siantar District, Simalungun District. The Puskesmas as the foremost base in public health services is expected to provide health counseling, especially regarding personal hygiene for the elderly and kelauarga so that they can maintain and improve health which in the end the elderly can enjoy a long and happy life in old age, even productive so it does not become a burden on the family and Country.</p> Nagoklan Simbolon Pomarida Simbolon Magda Siringo-ringo Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 616 623 Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Perilaku Etik Mahasiswa <p>Behavior is everything human activity, both that can be observed directly and indirectly. Student behavior is very diverse, not equal to each other. This is because it is influenced by genetic factors (heredity) and environment. A very important component in behavior is the emotional intelligence that must be processed and nurtured within, in order to better control and control themselves, even recognize the character of yourself. The purpose of research to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence with the behavior of student ethics D III Nursing STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. This research study used cross-sectional. The sample in the studyall of D III studentsnursing amounted to 60 people. Sampling using total sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis using chi-square test. The result of research there is the significant correlation between emotional intelligence with the behavior of student ethics D III Nursing STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan, got p-value = 0,001 &lt;0,05. It’s recommended that STIKes Santa Elisabeth motivates students to maintains ethical behavior and foster relationships with other so that emotional intelligence gets better.</p> Pomarida Simbolon Magda Siringo-ringo Nagoklan Simbolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 624 629 Hubungan Merokok dengan Hipertensi di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth Medan <p>Hypertension is abnormal high blood pressure. In general a person is said to be hypertensive if high blood pressure is from 140/90 mmHg. A person with hypertension is one of the causes of smoking habits. Smoking is a lifestyle that is not good and is a risk factor for hypertension in a person. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between smoking and hypertension in Santa Elisabeth Medan Hospital in 2019. The study design was cross sectional with purposive sampling technique. A sample of 59 respondents.Measuring instrument using a questionnaire. Analyze data with –square chi test. The results showed smoking habits of 32 people (54%), hypertension 50 people (84.7%). The results of the chi-square statistical test obtained a value of p = 0.005 which means there is a relationship between smoking and hypertension. It is recommended to hospitals and health workers to notify about the dangers of smoking to health which can cause hypertension risk factors and regularly check blood pressure regularly and diets for people with hypertension.</p> Magda Siringo-ringo Pomarida Simbolon Nagoklan Simbolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 630 634 Pengaruh Pengetahuan Tentang Sampah dan Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana terhadap Perilaku Ibu Membuang Sampah yang Berpotensi Bencana Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Deli Kota Medan <p>The result of preliminary survey done showed that public knowledge in throwing garbage away is not yet adequate and facility and infrastructure for garbage management is not adequately available. It is probably able to create a poor behavior of mother in throwing garbage away in the watershed area of Deli river which is potential to inflict flood in the City of Medan. The purpose of this explanatory study was to analyze the influence of knowledge of mothers on the benefit, effect, prevention and availability of infrastructure facilities related to throwing away the garbage potential to cause flood in the watershed area of Deli River in the City of Medan. The population of this study were14.956 housewives living along the bank of Deli River in Medan and 99 of them where selected to be the samples for this study using Slovin formula. The data obtain were analyzed through multiple linear regression tests at ? = 95%. The results of this study showed that public knowledge in responding to the benefits, effect, and prevention through the action of garbage management and tha availability of infrastructure facilities had influence on the bevavior of mothers in throwing away garbage in watersheds area of Deli River which is potential to inflict flood. The management of Medan Municipality Hygiene and Sanitarian Service and related agencies are suggested to apply garbage collectors. The Govenrment of Medan City should plan a regulation regarding the allocation of fund to dredge the bed of Deli River, schedule of activity for once in two years and empower the component of community (health centers, standby village/promoter of environment and NGOs) and communities in controlling flood disaster.</p> Bernita Silalahi Meriani Siahaan Mukhtar Efendi Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 635 642 Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Resiko Tinggi Kehamilan Diusia Lebih Dari 35 Tahun di Lingkungan XXIX Kelurahan Belawan I Kecamatan Medan Belawan Periode April-Mei 2018 <p>Pregnancy is the growth and development of an intra-uterine fetus, starting from conception and ending until the beginning of 280 days or 40 weeks calculated from the first menstruation to the last menstruation. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of pregnant women on the risks that endanger pregnancy at the age of more than 35 years conducted by researchers from April to May 2018 in the XXIX neighborhood of Belawan I Subdistrict, Kec. Medan Belawan. This research is descriptive by using primary data, with a population of 30 respondents and pregnant women with a sample of 30 respondents using a questionnaire containing 30 questions. This study uses a total sampling technique and is located in Belawan I Village, Medan Belawan District, which is held from March to May 2018. Based on the research, there were 15 less knowledgeable respondents (50%), reviewed based on the age of the majority aged 20-30 years as many as 19 respondents (63.3%), based on education the majority had high school education as many as 13 respondents (43.3%) and based on sources information the majority got it from the public as many as 14 respondents (46.7%). It is expected that mothers can give action to those who experience risks that endanger their pregnancies for the safety of mothers and children.</p> Elvalini Warnelis Sinaga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 643 647 Hubungan Minat dengan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Program Lintas Minat <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between interest (X1) with the ability to think critically (Y) class X Social Sciences (SS) on the biology study program moving class based on interests. This study is the use of descriptive correlation study. The research sample is taken with a total sampling technique that is all class X SMA Negeri 1 Galang. Data collection techniques such as critical-thinking skills test, the scale of interest. Data analysis technique used is to make use of correlation and regression formula. For SS the conclusion is that there is a relationship of interest with critical-thinking skills correlation value of 0.402 with a regression equation ? = 44.322 + 0, 461X1, self-concept relationship with the critical-thinking skills with a 0.403 correlation value regression equation ? = 46.533 + 0,447X2.</p> Ewi Mellysa Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 648 650 Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas tentang Perawatan Luka Episiotomi di RSUD dr. Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2013 <p>Good care of the perineum will make the mother feel more comfortable, can return to sexual intercourse and breastfeeding. However, if not done properly can cause perineal pain, post partum depression, episiotomy scar infection (if the perineum is exposed to lochea and is always moist). This research is descriptive in nature using primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to all postpartum mothers in RSUD. dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2013 using a total sampling of 30 respondents. The results of the study of 30 respondents were knowledgeable majority as many as 14 respondents (46.6%), a well-informed minority of 7 respondents (23.3%). Knowledge of respondents based on majority education is sufficient in high school education as many as 9 respondents (30%), minority knowledgeable both in elementary education is 4 respondents (13.3%). Knowledge of respondents based on parity of majority is sufficient in parity 3-4 of 5 respondents (16, 6%), minorities are well-informed at parity 1 and 2 each as much as 1 respondent (3.3%). Respondents' knowledge based on the majority of information sources is enough on the source of information obtained from families of 5 respondents (16.6), a minority of knowledgeable sources of information obtained from health workers and electronic media each of 1 respondent (3.3%). The conclusion of this research is the knowledge of postpartum mothers about the treatment of episiotomy wounds by the majority and it is recommended that postpartum mothers want to increase their knowledge about treatment of episiotomy wounds and implement them properly and correctly, and it is hoped that health workers can provide information using language that is easily understood.</p> Fitriana Ritonga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 651 655 Hubungan Supervisi Kepala Ruangan dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Pelaksana di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Imelda pekerja indonesia <p>The implementation of nursing services will be optimal if the nurse is given the opportunity to develop nurse professionalism and reflect on nursing practices that have been carried out as an evaluation effort for improvement. Job satisfaction can be improved in various ways such as creating working conditions, good supervision systems, giving authority and autonomy, feedback, opportunities to develop. This study aims to analyze the supervisory relationship with the job satisfaction of the executive nurses at the Medan Imelda Hospital. The type of research used was descriptive with a cross sectional study design. The study was conducted in April 2019. The population in this study were 57 nurses hospitalized in the Indonesian Workers' Imelda Hospital. The sampling technique in this study is the total sampling technique so the number of samples in this study were 57 people. The results showed that there was a clinical supervision relationship with job satisfaction of nurses at Imelda Hospital in Medan where the probability value (p) = 0,000 &lt;0,05 was statistically. It is recommended for hospitals to increase clinical supervision for the head of the room to fix the weaknesses that occur in the implementation of clinical supervision.</p> Hartika Samgryce Siagian Roby Pahala Gultom Paian P.H Munthe Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 656 659 Pengaruh Penerapan Metode 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, dan Shitsuke) terhadap Pemeliharaan Alat Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Health equipment is one factor that plays an important role in providing health services to the community. Health services provided to patients must be carried out on an ongoing basis and supported by the presence of equipment that is always in a ready-made condition and can function properly. Efforts made by health workers in hospitals are efforts to provide good, safe and ready-to-use medical devices. In order for health equipment to be ready for use, it is necessary to conduct pereventive maintenance through proper maintenance of the equipment. This study aims to identify the effect of applying the 5S method to the maintenance of medical devices at the Indonesian Worker General Hospital Imelda. This type of research is quantitative with a quasi experimental study method with one group pre-test-post-test design. The population in this study / is all nurses in the general hospital Imelda Indonesian workers field of 126 nurses. The sampling technique is acidental sampling. The results were obtained from demographic data of nurses working at the IPI General Hospital based on the majority of people aged 21-30 years as many as 91 people and minorities aged 41-50 years as many as 3 people, based on the sex of the majority female sex as many as 87 people and minority male sex as many as 39 people, based on the education level of the majority of nurses with D3 education as many as 108 nurses and the majority of D4 educated as many as 1 person, and based on the length of work the majority of nurses 1-5 years as many as 82 people and minority with 11-15 <br>years of service 20 people. And the statistical test results obtained that there is an effect of the application of 5S to the maintenance of medical devices using Mc Nemar statistical test of 0.002. After intervention the application of 5S method to the maintenance of medical devices has increased in the good category. Suggestions for all nurses to continue the process of maintaining medical devices properly so that the equipment in the room is clean, neat, and ready to use so that it can improve the quality of nursing care services to patients and also reduce mortality.</p> Paskah Rina Situmorang Hamonangan Damanik Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 660 664 Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Personal Hygiene Saat Menstruasi Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Siswi SDN 17 Kota Pekanbaru <p>Adolescence is a transition period characterized by physical, emotional, and psychological changes. During adolescence, they will experience a natural process of menstruation. In an effort to maintain the health and cleanliness of reproductive organs, personal genital hygiene is very necessary. Lack of one's knowledge in carrying out personal actions on genital hygiene can cause various diseases in the reproductive organs. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of health education on personal hygiene during menstruation on the level of knowledge of V &amp; VI grade students in SDN 17 kota pekanbaru. Methods: this type of research is quantitative, with a pre-experimental method with one group pretest-protest design. The population in this study were girls aged 11-12 who had menstruated at SDN 17 kota pekanbaru,a sample of 32 female students. After the data is collected, data is processed through the stages of editing, coding, scoring, and tabulating. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Sogn Test to see the effect of health education on personal hygiene during menstruation on the level of knowledge before and after being given education Results: the results of the study showed that knowledge before being given health education about personal hygiene when menstruating with good knowledge was 1 respondent (3.1%), then after being given good knowledgeable health education as many as 25 respondents were respondents (78.1%). There is a health education about personal hygiene during menstruation on the level of knowledge of V &amp; VI students in DSN 17 Pekanbaru City with the results of the Wilcoxon Sogn Test, a significance value of 0,000 or p &lt;0,05. Conclusion: based on the results of this study, students are expected to always guard the female area by doing personal hygiene appropriately and correctly in accordance with the provisions of health workers, especially during menstruation.</p> Silvia Nora Anggraini Citra Aprillia Br Marpaung Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 665 671 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Manajemen Laktasi dan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Pirngadi Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara <p>Lactation Management and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIB) strongly supports the optimum and maximum achievement of exclusive breastfeeding. Scope of exclusive breastfeeding targeted in the National Development Program and the National Strategy (PPASI) is 80%. In accordance with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) program to help reduce poverty, hunger, and infant mortality. It is important to convey information about lactation management and EIB to the antenatal, intranatal, and postnatal mothers and health workers in order to carry out professional duties as a promoter in the use of breast milk. To perform the evaluation of lactation management and EIB implementation and the supporting and inhibiting factors in room V Tanjung, Neonati, antenatal polyclinic, Dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan. The research method was qualitative but the research was presented descriptively. The data were analyzed with the Interactive Model. The sources of data derived from in-depth interviews and document and open participant observations. The evaluation of lactation management was carried out in accordance with the standards. However, the implementation of the EIB had not reached the optimum results, with respect to the lack of deep knowledge about EIB and its implementation had not been in accordance with the recommended theory of EIB. EIB Promotion had not been performed due to the absence of leaflets / brochures and Rooming In and the presence of the role of infant formula. Related to the lack of task coordination clarity for midwives / nurses in implementing the EIB, the increase in quality of health workers should be done through training and provision of posters / leaflets in favor of lactation and EIB management. The management of lactation remained improved and maintained but EIB had not been in accordance with the recommended implementation. </p> Aureliya Hutagaol Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 672 679 Perbandingan Kepatuhan Diet Pasien Penderita Hipertensi di Rumah dengan Penderita Hipertensi yang Menjalani Hospitalisasi di Rumah Sakit Umum Padang Sidimpuan <p>Compliance is a term that describes the use of drugs or food in accordance with the instructions covering the time and restrictions on the prevailing foods. Dietary compliance can also prevent the onset of complications in patients. Efforts to implement hypertension disease control need an understanding of the management of hypertensive disease at home, high motivation of the patient to carry it out and assistance by the people around him. The type of this study is <br>Descriptive comparative. The population in this study were all hypertensive patients treated in Padangsidimpuan City General Hospital and returned home, with an average of 40 people per month, taken by purposive sampling with 30 people. Data was collected by using Bivariate Analysis using wilcoxon test with 95% accuracy (0,05). The results of this study obtained pvalue (0.011) &lt;0.05 so that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, meaning there is a significant difference between diet compliance hypertensive patients. Suggested For the respondents Increase knowledge about diet compliance in patients with hypertension at home or who <br>underwent hospitalization.</p> Julidia Safitri Parinduri Ali Hamsyah Nasution Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 680 686 Perspektif Budaya Minang terhadap Perawatan Ibu Postpartum di Wilayah Bromo Kelurahan Binjai Kecamatan Medan Denai <p>The postpartum period is a period after the placenta is born and ends when the uterine organs returns to the state before pregnancy, the postpartum period lasts for 6 weeks. Culture or habits is one that affects health status. Among the cultures and customs in society there are benefits, there are also disadvantages, such as postpartum care crried out by the Minang tribe. The purpose of study: to identify and find out how to postpartum care according the Minang culture <br>in the Bromo Region, Binjai Village, Medan Denai District Methodology: this study uses phenomenological qualitative design. The number of samples in this study were 5 people. Sampling is done using purposive sampling. The process of collecting data through demographic data questionnaries as basic data and in-depth interviews using a voice recorder. Data collection is stopped when it reaches data saturation. Results: the study found that the characteristics of the participants were native Minang, aged 25-35 years, were Muslim, three participants had junior high school education, two participants had high school education, four participants worked as housewives, one participants worked as an enterpreneur. Postpartum treatment of Minang culture includes: Place a stick under the bed and use spraying, Use of octopus, Drink herbs after childbirth, Rib after giving birth, Clean the genitals by using betel stew, Drink chicken eggs mixed with coffee and drink papaya leaves, Eat katuk leaf vegetables, heart bananas and mustard greens.</p> Yessica Hotmaida Tarihoran Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 687 691 Hubungan Sosial Support dengan Motivasi Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Menjalani Pengobatan <p>Cancer is a group of diseases that occur due to changes in body cells into abnormal cells. Treatment of breast cancer takes a long time and has a negative impact on the patient's physical and mental. The cause of the patient is not routinely taking chemotherapy treatment and leaving the chemotherapy treatment schedule in one treatment cycle because the patient's physical condition is not strong so he cannot continue treatment. This study aims to determine the social support relationship with the motivation of breast cancer patients undergoing RSUP treatment.H. Adam Malik Medan in 2014. This type of research is quantitative by using a cross sectional design. The population in this study were all breast cancer patients who underwent treatment in RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan. The sample in this study were 95 breast cancer patients usingaccidental sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, the majority of the majority of social support was good (60.0%) and the treatment motivation of the majority of breast cancerpatients was poor (54.7%). There is a relationship between family support and motivation of breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. There is a relationship between the support of fellow breast cancer patients with the motivation of breast cancer patients who are undergoing treatment. There is a relationship of support from the community with the motivation of breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. There is a relationship between the support of health workers and the motivation of breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. The most dominant variable related to the motivation of breast cancer patients who underwent treatment was the family support variable (p = 0.003) with (OR = 4.749). It is expected that the RSUP H Adam Malik Medan regulates the nurse's working mechanism so that the nurse's performance can be maximized in carrying out their duties and can provide a good explanation for breast cancer patients about the treatment they will undergo. </p> Yessica Hotmaida Tarihoran Maria Haryanti Christina Magdalena T.Bolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 692 697 Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Syndrom Menopause terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Pre Menopause di Puskesmas Kentara Tahun 2017 <p>Along with increasing age, many processes of development and growth in humans. The period where the development and growth will stop at a stage, so that the next will occur many changes that occur in the function of the human body. These changes usually occur in the aging process, because in this process many physical and psychological changes occur. These changes occur in many women because the aging process occurs in a phase that is the pre-menopausal phase. Pre-menopausal phase is a phase where there is a transition from fertility to the period of no fertilization (anovulatoair). the type of research used in this study is quasi experiment. With the design of the One Group Pretest Posttest the population in this study was 150 people, while the sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique of 30 people. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test nonparametric test. Based on the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test nonparametric statistical test results obtained a significance value of 0.00. because the significance value &lt;0.05 thus these results indicate that there is an influence of health education about menopausal syndrome on the level of knowledge of pre-menopausal mothers inhealth clinics clearly in 2017.</p> Sontina Saragih Vera Megawati Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 704 710 Pengaruh Perilaku Ibu terhadap Konsumsi Gizi Seimbang pada Balita di Kelurahan Sidorejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung Tahun 2019 <p>The toddler years are an important period for the development grow up of children. Based on the data obtained from the North Sumatra Health Office, the number of malnutrition patient in North Sumatra up to 778 people. Percentage average malnutrition in North Sumatra of 4.1%. While the national target discovery malnutrition of 5%. Poor nutrition and less still a problem, in the city of Medan are 4.4% of infants with malnutrition, 12.6% of infants with malnutrition. Type of cross sectional survey reach studies. The research was conducted in May - August 2012 in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung. The population in this study were all pregnant have children in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung. Sampling use the total sampling. The results showed that the majority of respondents in the category of knowledge that is less than the 48 (57.8%), and the minority in that category just 15 people (18.7%), mother's attitude as much as the majority of respondents in the positive category, namely the 50 (60.24%), and the minority in the negative category is 33 people (39.75%), and the mother's actions as much as the majority of respondents in the category of less that 45 people (54.2%), and a minority in the category of less that 16 people (19.27%). Statistical test used multiple linear regression F test (ANOVA) was obtained that F count = 29.170 &gt; F table = 3.109 or p = 0.000 &lt; 0.05. In qualitative can be stated that the two variables have a strong relationship. The conclusion of the can is that knowledge, attitudes, and actions have a significant association with the incidence of malnutrition among children under five in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung Year 2019.</p> Sri Ilawati Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 711 717 Kepemimpinan Transformasional Sebagai Strategi Dalam Membangun Komunikasi Efektif di Rumah Sakit <p>In making a service at the hospital there are new assessments that must be applied to all employees and workers in the hospital, this does not necessarily require assertiveness from a leader, because the leader must be able to make an effective communication with his subordinates, so that things things in doing good service can be realized. So that I as the writer try to do research by conducting a provision for a leader who is assertive and can communicate as a strategy to improve the quality of service in a hospital, in this case the method I use is cross sectional study, namely by conducting a questionnaire to all employees and hospital staff, to obtain definite and clear data as a complementary reference for completing this study.</p> Imelda Liana Ritonga Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 1` 718 724 Pengaruh Perawatan Luka terhadap Pertumbuhan Jaringan Granulasi pada Luka Diabetikum di Rumah Sakit Umum Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by a disruption of changes in glucose metabolism due to a decrease in insulin work. The impact is very broad and will affect the quality of life of patients, especially in patients with complications of diabetic foot injury. In 2017, people with diabetes mellitus in the Imelda General Hospital of Indonesian Medan Hospital increased by 5.9% compared to 2016. Of those with diabetes 23% of them had diabetic wounds, of which 32.1% of diabetic wounds died. The data shows that the high number of diabetic wounds at the Indonesian Imelda General Workers Hospital in Medan, because the treatment of wounds that are still using techniques not yet in accordance with the SOP requires a considerable amount of time. This study aims to determine the effect of wound care on the growth of granulation tissue in diabetic wounds at the Indonesian Workers' Hospital Imelda Medan. This type of research is Quasi Experiment with a Time Series Design design model. The population in this study were patients with diabetes mellitus with diabetic wounds and the study sample was 9 people, the sampling technique was consecutive sampling, the method of collecting data with intervention directly using the observation sheet. Data analysis using t-test then the value of p = 0.003 &lt;? =0.05, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of modern dressing on the growth of granulation tissue in diabetic wounds. For this reason, it is expected that nurses can apply wound care by using a modren dressing to accelerate the growth of granulation tissue in the wound.</p> Yosafat Barus Christina Magdalena T.Bolon Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 725 730 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare pada Balita di Desa Suro Baru Tahun 2017 <p>This research is to find out the factors that influence the incidence of diarrhea in children under five in Suro Baru Village, Suro District, Aceh Singkil Regency in 2017. This type of research uses analytical observational methods, which means that research is conducted to determine the factors that influence diarrhea in infants . Pregnancy methods Samples are taken using total sampling where sampling techniques are used when members of the population are sampled. In this analysis used the chi-square test times squared 0.05 and 95% confidence level. Based on the statics test the chi-square test obtained a value of p = 0.001 (p &lt;0.05). With a significant level of 0.05. The incidence of diarrhea is caused by several factors that occur in Suro Baru Village, Suro District, Aceh Singkil Regency, 2017.</p> Eva Ratna Dewi Eka Falentina Tarigan Yanti Pohan Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2022-03-30 2022-03-30 1 1` 731 737 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu dengan Keikutsertaan Ibu Hamil dalam Program Monitoring Konseling VCT HI Aids di Puskesmas Sialang Buah Tahun 2018 <p>HIV infection in pregnant women can threaten the life of the mother and the mother can transmit the virus to her baby. More than 90% of cases of HIV-infected children are transmitted through the process of mother-to-child transmission or MTCT. Based on HIV / AIDS IV quarterly reports from the Ministry of Health, from 19 districts / cities in North Sumatra, Tanjung Morawa is the region with the highest cases of HIV / AIDS, namely 304 new HIV cases in 2018 and 575 cumulative AIDS cases until 2018. This study is to determine the relationship the level of knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about HIV / AIDS with participation in HIV testing at Sialang Buah Health Center in 2018. The type of research conducted was an observational cross sectional study, which collected exposure and effect data simultaneously in order to examine the relationship between exposure and effects. Based on the results of cross tabulation, it was found that respondents with a positive attitude had the intention to utilize VCT services 60.8% whereas 28.0% of respondents with negative attitudes had the intention to do VCT. Pregnant women have a positive attitude towards VCT services 67.1%. This means that pregnant women in the Sialang Buah Health Center work area realize that VCT services will be known by visiting them.</p> Lidya Natalia Br Sinuhaji Edy Marjuang Purba Bungana Surbakti Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 738 743 Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Berdasarkan Domain Lingkungan pada Lansia yang Tinggal di UPT Pslu Wilayah Binjai dan Medan dengan di Kelurahan Cengkeh Turi Binjai Utara <p>Advances in science and technology have an impact on improving the quality of life of the elderly and life expectancy, along with this, the number of elderly populationhas also increased. Efforts to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Indonesia could be through home care and aging institution services. The purpose of this study is determine differences in the quality of life based on environment domain of the elderly who live in UPT PSLU Binjai and Medan region and staying in Cengkeh Turi Village Districts Northern Binjai. Study sample consisted of 54 elderly who lives in UPT PSLU Binjai and Medan region aging and 77 elderly who stay Cengkeh Turi Village communities Districts Northern Binjai. The statistical test used was the Median test. Obtained there is a statistically significant difference in the quality of life based on environment domain of elderly people living at aging institution and staying athome (Sig=0,000). Based on the results of this study are advised to continue to improve the services to the elderly, increased productivity, provide health promotion and easiness access to get health care and other public facilities and infrastructure servicesin both places.</p> Tetti Seriati Situmorang Riska Susanti Pasaribu Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 744 750 Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Jumlah Sel Sperma Mencit (mus musculus, l.) yang Dipapari Tuak <p>Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and can protect the biological action of membrane damage by free radicals. A free radicals is an atom or a <br>molecule without a pair of electrons that can damage the molecules essential for cellular function. Giving antioxidants in the form of vitamin E is proposed to reduce the effects of free <br>radicals in thebody. This study aims to determine the effect of vitamin E on testicular sperm count in mice given palm wine. In this study 30 healty and fertile adult male mice (Mususculus, L.) strain DD Webster. The 8-11 week old mice (20-35 g) were divided in to 6 treatment groups. The first group (K0) = consisted of 5 mice without treatment for 30 days. The <br>first treatment group (P1) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally at 0.5 ml/day for 15 days. After 15 the palm wine was repleaced with water 0,5 ml. The <br>second treatment group (P2) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 30 days. The third treatment group (P3) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 15 days. After 15 days the palm wine was replaced with 0.25 mg of vitamin E/day administered orally. The fourth treatment group (P4) consisted of 5 mice that were each given bpalm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 30days. After 15 days in addition to the palm wine with 0.25 mg of vitamin E/day was administered orally. The fifth treatment group (P5) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) 0.5 ml/day and vitamin E 0.25 mg/day orally. The mice were placed into groups randomly. This study was approved by the USU research ethics committee. The results of this study suggest concurrent administration of vitamin E (0.25mg/day) reduces thenegative affect of palm wine. An increased number of an increased number spermatozoa were observed in treatment group P5 as compared to the other treatment groups.</p> Meriani Herlina Bernita Silalah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 751 756 Analisis Motivasi Minat Belajar terhadap Pencapaian Kompetensi pada Mahasiswa Semester Enam di Akademi Kebidanan Dewi Maya Medan <p>The principal issue in this research are many factors that affect the achievement of clinical competencies of midwifery practice that includes the students’ motivation and interest factors. Student willingness to participate in clinical practice as a midwife midwifery is a professional motivational and has a good competence so that they can compete in the world of work. The practice of midwifery clinic is a place to learn before entering into the world work. This research aims to find out the relationship of interest and learning motivation with achievement of target competencies of midwifery practice clinic VI semester students study program Midwifery Dewi Maya Medan academic year 2017. This research is a cross sectional correlational approach. Entire student population is Academic Midwifery Dewi Maya Medan the academic year 2017 amounted to 54 people, with total sampling. The independent variables of motivation and learning interest. Dependent variable was the achievement of clinical competencies of midwifery practice. Measurement of variables using questionnaires and observation sheets, and then analyzed using multiple linear regression method. Based the results of statistical tests to obtain the R square of 0.221, at variable motivation in getting value p = 0.043 while in the learning interest variables obtained P value = 0.002. Regression coefficient shown in the motivation 1.571 and 95% CI = 1.063&lt;PR,2.322 and value PR interest 1.925 and 95% CI = 1.266. PR.2.927. This research concludes that the motivation and interest have a significant relationship with achievement of target competencies of midwifery practice clinic. It is recommended to get results that are objective and thorough research should be conducted more carefully against other factors that may affect the achievement of clinical competencies of midwifery practice.</p> Tetty Suriany Limbong Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 757 762 Pengaruh Jalan Cepat (Brisk Walking) terhadap Penurunan Glukosa Darah pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II yang Berobat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by excessive levels of protein and fats that contain protein, fat and protein caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin. This <br>study discusses how to improve DM in type 2 DM patients who seek treatment at the Indonesian Workers General Hospital (IPI Hospital) Medan. This type of research uses quasi-experimental research design "one group pretest and posttest". This study was conducted on type II diabetes mellitus patients who were treated at the Indonesian Workers' Hospital (IPI Hospital) Medan. The population in this study was 109 people. The research sample in this study was accidental sampling (respondents were available at the time of the study) so the number of samples was 19 people. Statistical analysis used Wilcoxon test. After the sample is determined, then the researcher will conduct research from house to house of the patient. The research process is carried out by carrying out a blood test then doing a brisk walk with the patient for 30 minutes and then checking the blood sugar again. The results of research that prove the distribution of DM The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon test obtained p value of 0.002 &lt;0.05. Published to respondents to keep blood sugar levels with physical exercise such as brisk walking.</p> Paskah Rina Situmorang Hamonangan Damanik Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 768 772 Pengaruh Vitamin E Terhadap Sel Darah Merah Mencit (Musmusculus,L) yang dipapari Tuak <p>This research aims to knowing the effect of vitamin E for reticulocyte count, erythocytes count, and morphological description of erythrocytes, hemoglobin level and mice blood hematocrit score who given palm wine for adult category. Research using RancanganAcakLengkap (RAL), 30 male mice (L musculus) adult strain DD Webster aged 2-3 months with weight 25-30 g, who share at random into 6 trial group. The result of research show that (1) giving palm wine 0,5mg/mice/day can reduce the reticulocyte presentation if added with vitamin E 0,33 mg/mice/day for 30 days can improve back the erythrocytes count and avoid the morphology of erythrocytes fault for mice (3) giving palm wine 0,5 mg/mice/day can reduce the hemoglobin level and hematocrit score if added with vitamin E 0,33 mg/mice/day for 30 days can improve back hemoglobin and hematocrit score for mice.</p> Norong Perangin-angin Meriani Herlina Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 773 780 Hubungan Pemberian Magnesium Sulfat (MgS04) pada Persalinan Pre-eklampsia/eklampsia terhadap Kejadian Asfiksia di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Makassar Tahun 2014 <p>MPS's mission is to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality through strengthening the health system to ensure access to interventions that are cost effective based <br>on scientific evidence of quality, empower women, families and communities through activities that promote maternal and newborn health, and ensure that health maternal and neonatal is promoted and preserved as a priority for national development programs. In Indonesia the incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia ranges from 3 - 10%. According to world data, WHO estimates that more than 160,000 women die each year due to preeclampsia and eclampsia, and this is a cause of death that has been going on for decades. There is still no agreement regarding the exact cause of seizures in patients with eclampsia. Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) is one of the selected drugs to prevent seizures in preeclampsia and eclampsia, where the use of magnesium sulfate is effective and safe. The aim of this study was to determine the association of Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) in the delivery of Preeclampsia / Eclampsia to Asphyxia in Newborns in 2013 Makassar Bhayangkara. In this study the variables studied were Magnesium Sulphate, Asphyxia. The type of research used in this study is the type of "Case Control" research which is an analytical survey study that deals with how risk factors are studied using a "retrospective" approach. The sample in this study were all patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria who were admitted to Makassar's Bhayangkara Hospital in the January-December 2013 period. For the control group, the sample was taken using proposive sampling. In this study, it can be seen from the chi-square results that there is no correlation between the incidence of asphyxia and the administration of MgSO4 supported by chi-square results, p = 0.65 where p &lt;0.05 Ho is rejected but in this study p&gt; 0.05 or 0.65 &gt; 0.05 means that Ho is accepted.</p> Mardiana Stefania Bhoko Yosefa Sarlince Atok Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 781 787 Tindakan yang dilakukan Suami dalam Menghadapi Nyeri Persalinan Kala Satu di Klinik Juliana Dalimunthe Medan Tahun 2018 <p>The presence of the husband beside the wife, makes the wife feel more calm, better prepared to face the labor process and can help his wife to deal with pain during labor. To deal with labor pain, actions that can be performed by the husband are in the form of non-pharmacological actions, such as skin stimulation or massage or massage, relaxation and imagination. The act of skin stimulation or massage, relaxation and imagination becomes an alternative in providing therapy to reduce pain because it is easy to do (does not require special skills), so that the husband can do it. The purpose of this study was to determine the actions taken by husbands in dealing with first-time labor pain based on non-pharmacological actions of massage, relaxation, and imagination. The design in this study was descriptive aimed at describing the actions of husbands in dealing with first-time labor pain at the Juliana Clinic. Dalimunthe Medan in 2017. The population in this study were husbands whose wives underwent labor in the Clinic Juliana Dalimunthe Medan as many as 50 people from February to April. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling with a total sample of 50 respondents. Data collection techniques using observation sheets and analyzed using univariate analysis by calculating the frequency distribution. The results of this study indicate that of the 50 respondents for massage and relaxation actions performed by husbands were good categories namely 18 people (36%) and 20 people (40%) . While 32 people (64%) and 30 people (60%) had bad category actions. For the act of imagination carried out by the husband of the respondent who has a good category of 15 people (30%). While 35 people (70%), respondents have bad category actions. This study is expected to be an input in improving knowledge in the health sector especially husbands that the presence of husbands in taking action on wives who experience labor has a very important role to help wife in the face of perceived labor pain.</p> Elvi Sepriani Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 788 795 Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Antenatal Care dengan Jumlah Kunjungan Antenatal Care Di Desa Laut Dendang Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Pregnancy is a natural event, however 15% of all pregnancies will develop into complications related to pregnancy, both directly and indirectly. For this reason Antenatal Care during <br>pregnancy is very important, because Antenatal Care can detect early pregnancy complications. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge of pregnant women about Antenatal Care and the number of Antenatal Care visits.The design in this study is analytical with a cross sectional approach. The total population of 53 samples was carried out by total sampling technique. Analyze data with chi-square.Based on the results of the study obtained from 53 respondents the majority were 20-25 years old is 25 people (47.25%), had high school education 29 people (24.7%), had no children 17 people (32.1%), and gestational age was in the trimester 3 as many as 23 people (24.4%), and good knowledge of 31 people (58.5%). The majority of visits are in accordance with the gestational age of 40 people (75.5%). Based on the results of statistical tests there is no relationship between the knowledge of pregnant women about Antenatal Care with the number of Antenatal Care visits with p = 0.108&gt; 0.05.Thus the level of adherence of mothers to come to visit each recommended by midwives is a supporting factor for reasons for visiting without knowing the meaning at each visit. For that midwives are expected to provide health education about Antenatal Care, Antenatal Care goals and Antenatal Care visit schedules so that each visit do useful pregnant women. Pregnancy visits can monitor the progress of pregnancy and produce healthy mothers and babies.</p> Maulina Mawaddah Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 796 802 Faktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Keluarga yang Menjaga Pasien di Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematangsiantar <p>The Indonesia health profile Data in 2013 show that only 64,41% places have been conducted clean and healthy life. It covers educational institution (67,52%), work place (59,15%), praying places (58,84%), health facilities (77,02%) and others (62,26%). It shows that clean and healthy life in health centres has not been applied properly. This is a descriptive correlative study with cross-sectional approach. This study is conducted in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar during March-July 2015. The Population are 965 people, and the samples are 91 people. The data are analyzed with univariat, bivariat, and multivariat using double regression logistic test. The results of the study show the factors influence to the factors with clean and healthy life of the patients’ family in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar in 2015 are knowledge (p = 0,000, OR = 85,474), behaviour(p= 0,001, OR = 72,169), (p = 0,004, OR = 45,098), health workers behaviour (p= 0,002, OR = 62,521). While the belief factor doesn’t influent because p = 0,234. It is suggested to the director of the hospital toinstruct all the nurses working in the wards to give counseling about clean and healthy life to the patients’ family so they can have good knowledge about it.</p> Julwansa Saragih Wisnu Hidayat Surya Anita Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 803 808 Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemanfaatan Pusat Informasi Konseling Mahasiswa (PIK-M) pada Mahasiswi Prodi D-III Kebidanan STIKes Maranatha <p>Background : The Indonesia Government Program in addressing and preventing problems of teenagers is the provision of reproductive health services place which readily accepted and affordable among them through counselling and information center for students (PIK-M). Purpose : The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of knowledge, attitude, <br>motivation, information, facility, socialisation and promotion, and SDM of PIK-M against utilization PIK-M. Method : This research is using cross sectional design. Sampling technique <br>that used in this research is total sampling with 101 people as the sample. Data collected by uestionnaire then analyzed using univariable, bivariable, and multivariable. Results : The <br>result of this research shows that from 101 respondents, the 35,6% of the respondents already come visit and use PIK-M. 73,3% of the respondents already have high knowledge about PIK-M, 72,3% of the respondents show positive behavior towards PIK-M, 64,4% of the respondents already have high motivation about PIK-M, 32,7% of the repondents said they already got informations about PIK-M, 72,3% of the respondents already have high facility, 63,4% of the respondents already have high socialisation an promotion, and 83,2% of the respondents already have high SDM about PIK-M. This result shows that the utilization of PIK-M that based on the variables has significant differences. Conclusion : This research is that influence the utilization of PIK-M by students of D III Midwifery Stikes Maranatha, based on the level of knowledge, attitude, motivation, source of information, facility, socialization and promotion, and SDM PIK-M. Suggestion: increase the willingness of students to take advantage of PIK-M. </p> Yosefa Sarlince Atok Mardiana Stefania Bhoko Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 809 816 Sistem Pakar Forward dan Backward Chaining Visualisasi 2D untuk Penentuan Minat dan Bakat Anak Remaja <p>As a matter of pride, parents certainly want the best results for their teenagers in choosing the way forward to continue to higher education. But sometimes parents don't understand their children's talents and interests. Unwittingly what happens next is the desire of parents who are greater than the desires of their children. Public education is a method used by universities in directing students to a particular competency, where each type of specialization offered will determine the direction of the adolescent who chooses according to existing level of ability and competence. There are 3 types of majors in the Polytechnic of Ganesha, many of which are found that some of the teenagers who have graduated from high school / vocational school have chosen the wrong direction or even misplaced their future direction to choose majors in accordance with the soft skills and skills they have. Applications made based on expert systems, which mimic the way of thinking of an expert in analyzing a problem and finding conclusions. The purpose of this system is to design and create an expert system that is expected to be able to identify the compatibility of interests and talents possessed by a teenager in choosing a department in college. Inference method (Reasoning) uses Forward Chaining and Searching methods using depth first search, whereas in the process of intelligence calculation qualitative methods are used which are using probabilities with a value approach of 1 and 2 with results such as match presentations plus suggestion suggestions.</p> Devri Suherdi Syarifah Fadillah Rezky Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 817 822 Faktor- Faktor Yang Berhubungan dengan Kunjungan Ibu Balita ke Posyandu di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pembantu Hiligodu Ombalata <p>Health service center is a place for toddlers to get services, either to monitor growth and development as well as get vitamin A capsule and immunization. To know the factors related to <br>mother toddler to visit health service center. The design of this research was analytical with cross sectional approach. Is the mother who has 1-5 years old toddler at working area of <br>Puskesmas Pembantu Hiligodu Ombolata South Gunungsitoli sub-district namely 56 people with accidental sampling technique. Use check list as a data collection instrument. Univariate and Bivariate data analysis using SPSS program version 18 and chi-square test. Factors related to the mother of toddler to the posyandu visit based on age p-value (0,009) &lt;? (0,05), based on job p-value (0.009) &lt;? (0,05), based on education (0,003) &lt;? (0.05), based on the age of children under five (0.002 &lt;? (0.05). There is a relationship between age, occupation, mother education, visitation of posyandu. More improving health service about mother’s knowledge about visiting of health service center.</p> Nova Linda Rambe Devina Natalia Lase Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 823 829 Tinjauan Kebutuhan Rak Penyimpanan (Filling) di Rumah Sakit Umum Hidayah Tahun 2019 <p>Storage rack is one of the hospital equipment that functions to store medical record documents, with the availability of medical record documents storage rack will not be placed on the floor of a patient on the floor. This research aims to find out the estimated needs of storing documents and documents at the Hospital General Hospital in 2019. This research aims to find out the estimated needs of storing documents and documents at the Hospital General Hospital in 2019. The time of the study was carried out in May at the General Hospital of the Hidayah. The population that was used was the document of medical and storage storage. The instrument used in the data collection was observation. The results of this study show that the number of visits of patients in 2017-2018 was 8,316 people. The amount of storage rack available at the Hospital General Hospital is 4 racks. If there are 3 storage shelves available at Hospice, there are 4 storage shelves, hospital gases, and 3 storage shelves, so that the needs of sufficient storage shelves and can accommodate documents on the patient, systematically, without making it difficult for the patients in the storage process.</p> Erlindai Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 823 830 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Minat Perilaku Pasien di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Pandan Tahun 2018 <p>The quality of care at the hospital affects the level of patient satisfaction with the services provided by health workers. The general aim of this study was to determine the effect of quality nursing care on satisfaction and interest in the behavior of patients on an inpatient hospital Pandan. The results obtained by using Pearson correlation test the results obtained were -0.053&lt;0.05 means that there is an influence between the quality of service and patient satisfaction. About the Pearson correlation test to determine the effect of service quality variables on the interest in patient behavior obtained by Pearson Correlation the results were -0.083 &lt;0.05, meaning that there was an influence between the quality of service and the interest in patient behavior. This research should be useful for education, and it is suggested that the same research be conducted with a larger number of samples and in different places. In order to improve the provision of information about the effect of quality nursing care on satisfaction and interest in the behavior of patients treated inpatient hospitals Pandan. It is expected that the respondents will be more critical in providing answers to the questionnaire for future improvements regarding the effect of the quality of nursing services on the satisfaction and interest in the behavior of the patients installed in the hospital Pandan.</p> Crishartanto Simanungkalit Rena Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 830 840 Pengaruh Biblioterapi terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Anak Usia Prasekolah yang Menjalani Hospitalisasi di RS Islam Malahayati Kota Medan Tahun 2019 <p>The problem of sick children is a complex problem in Indonesia. At the preschool age, children's activity increases which causes the child to be often exhausted, causing susceptibility <br>to disease due to weak immune system until the child is required to undergo hospitalization. Hospital is a condition that requires children to stay in the hospital, undergo therapy and <br>treatment for a reason that is planned or an emergency condition. This study aims to determine the effect of bibliotherapy on anxiety levels of preschoolers undergoing hospitalization at Malahayati Islamic Hospital, Medan. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post test design approach consisting of an intervention group. The sampling <br>technique was accidental sampling with a total of 30 children. The results of this study showed that from 30 children there were 28 children whose anxiety scores were smaller after the <br>intervention than before the intervention and there were 2 children whose anxiety scores were the same before and after the intervention. It was concluded that there was an effect of <br>bibliotherapy on anxiety levels of preschool-aged children undergoing hospitalization with a probability value (P = 0,000 &lt;0.05). Based on this research it is recommended that further <br>researchers should have a control group so that the results are more representative and have a confounding factor, namely: type of illness, anxiety level and severity of the disease so that it better describes the child's anxiety during hospitalization.</p> Maita Sarah Rizki Cinta Dame Manik Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 841 849 Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Pada Toko Kanaya Jepara Berbasis VB.NET <p>Kanaya Jepara Stores are a type of furniture business that provides and accepts orders for all types of Jepara. In the process of processing sales data, Jepara Kanaya Store still uses a <br>manual system where daily records are made in handwritten books to store sales data.Therefore, the information needs of customers, employees, leaders, and suppliers cannot be <br>fulfilled properly, which in turn causes performance improvements to be difficult to achieve. Functions related to the sale of goods include the sales function and recording function. The documents used are receipts, while the records used are sales reports. The purpose of this research is to design and create a computerized sales information system that can make it easier for the cashier to record the sales report of goods at the Jepara Kanaya Store. Sales reports can be generated more quickly and accurately so it is very helpful to the cashier to do reporting to the store owner in making decisions.</p> Esra Ester Sianturi Susan Grace Nainggolan Denni M. Rajagukguk Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 850 854 Analisis Yuridis Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa) Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa <p>On judicial review BUM Desa establishment by Act Number 6 of 2014 on the village where BUM Desa a new economic institutions that still need a solid foundation to grow and develop. <br>Objective: (1) determine the formation of village-owned enterprises (BUM DESA) pursuant to Act Number 6 of 2014 on the village, (2) barriers to the formation of village-owned enterprises (BUM DESA) pursuant to Act Number 6 of 2014 concerning the village. This type of research used in this study is normative, because the material covered prioritize a review of the terms of the legislation relating to the Establishment of village-owned enterprises (BUM Desa) pursuant to Act Number. 6 of 2014 concerning the village. Research results show that 1) Establishment BUM Desa by Act Number 6 of 2014 on the village include: Establishment BUM Desa based on legislation and technical establishments BUM Desa 2). Barriers BUM Desa establishment by Act Number 6 of 2014 on the village in general the lack of regulations governing BUM Desa area so that no legal basis on which the formation of BUM Desa.</p> Novita Lestari M. Arafat Hermana Dwi Putra Jaya Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 855 869 Analisis Pengaruh Perawatan Kaki dan Penggunaan Alas Kaki dengan Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Penderita DM <p>The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (2014) explains prevalence of diabetic ulcers was 8.7% and amputation was 1.3%. Based on clinical history Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital patients with diabetic foot ulcers were 16.6%. That’s why this study aims to analyze the effect of foot care and using footwear on the incidence of diabetic ulcers at patients of diabetes in Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital 2015. This Research was an analytic survey with matched case-control and implementation using a questionnaire. Population in research was all patients of diabetic ulcers in Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital 2015. The sample was 36 cases and 36 controls. Methods of data analysis with univariate analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regressions. The results of the study showed statistically foot care (OR 12.799 95% CI 3.006 to 54.484), and using footwear (OR 7.275 95% CI 1.766 to 29.965 ) effect on the incidence of events foot ulcers). Based on the results of multiple Logistic regression showed variable which was dominant foot care with OR 1.799 (95% CI = 3.006 to 54.484). Based on the findings of research, it is advisable for Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital field that can improve health services, especially for foot care, physical activity, and using footwear with appropriate of diabetic ulcers and patients of diabetes.</p> Siti Permata Sari Lubis Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 870 876 Pengaruh Jalan Cepat (Brisk Walking) terhadap Penurunan Glukosa Darah pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II yang Berobat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by excessive levels of protein and fats that contain protein, fat and protein caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin. This study discusses how to improve DM in type 2 DM patients who seek treatment at the Indonesian Workers General Hospital (IPI Hospital) Medan. This type of research uses quasi-experimental research design "one group pretest and posttest". This study was conducted on type II diabetes mellitus patients who were treated at the Indonesian Workers' Hospital (IPI Hospital) Medan. The population in this study was 109 people. The research sample in this study was accidental sampling (respondents were available at the time of the study) so the number of samples was 19 people. Statistical analysis used Wilcoxon test. After the sample is determined, then the researcher will conduct research from house to house of the patient. The research process is carried out by carrying out a blood test then doing a brisk walk with the patient for 30 minutes and then checking the blood sugar again. The results of research that prove the distribution of DM The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon test obtained p value of 0.002 &lt;0.05. Published to respondents to keep blood sugar levels with physical exercise such as brisk walking.</p> Hamonangan Damanik Paskah Rina Situmorang Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 877 881 Pengaruh Penerapan Shared Decision Making Model Terhadap Sikap Pasangan Usia Subur (Pus) Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Keluarga Berencana Di Rumah Sakit Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (IPI) Medan Tahun 2019 <p>Attitude is a reaction or response that is still closed to someone against a stimulus or object. Attitudes also represent beliefs about attractions or thoughts that attract attention and provide a basis for this person to make decisions. One way to make decisions about someone in making family planning decisions is by using a Decision Sharing Model to make a counseling compilation. Imelda Medan Indonesia Workers (IPI) 2019. This study uses a Quasy experimental design without comparison, with the aim of finding out differences in the opinions of fertile couples in making family planning decisions. The population in this study is the Fertile Age Couple who come to the Indonesian Labor Imelda Hospital (IPI) Medan specifically the BKIA and Melati rooms. Sampling with non-probability sampling method using accidental sampling. Data analysis techniques using univariate and bivariate data analysis with a significant level of 95% (?0.05). Formation of Joint Model Decisions on the decision of suburban age couples in family planning decision making using the T Test. The results of significant research between the adoption of Model Joint Decision on the attitude of Fertile Age Couples in family relationship planning with a value of P = 0,000 ± ?0,05 at Imelda Hospital Indonesian Workers (IPI) Medan in 2019. Based on the results of research expected from health workers and researchers who can discuss about and improve counseling for Fertile Age Couples to increase knowledge and attitudes Fertile Age Attitude Attitudes towards Family Planning programs.</p> Sarida Surya Manurung Sri Marliana Pasaribu Copyright (c) 2022 SINTAKS (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputer dan Sains 2019) 2019-12-30 2019-12-30 1 1` 882 888