Makanan Tradisional Halua Suku Melayu Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Kuliner Di Kabupaten Langkat
Makanan Tradisional, Makanan Tradisional Melayu, Daya Tarik WisataAbstract
The cuisine in Langkat Regency is very diverse among them is “Halua”. Halua is a traditional Malay sweets made of various fruits and vegetables served on such occasions as the marriage of both the idul fitri and other important events.Halua can be found around Langkat Regency and become a culinary tourist attraction for visitors to Langkat Regency. Halua sweets have existed since the sultry days on the east coast stretching from the sky to riau was the staple served at the great conventions and days of the empire and was served to royality of the day. Halua has become a tourist attraction for tourists who come to Langkat Regency as a souvenir of the local Malay Langkat. The study is intended to describe and preserve the history and meaning of halua as well as the unique halua made of the various fruits and vegetabls found around Langkat Regency. That can be an attraction to both the nusantara tourist and nations. The research method used is qualitative research, the discussion carried out with an explanation of the description of the data source of the research used a secondary source of data that is to use data sources from previous literature and researchdocuments. Data collection techniques from this study are obtained through searches of related articles or journals on the internet as well as related web sites.the use and use of fruits found nea the langua river line in Halua became the trademark of the district’s culinary tourist
Keywords: Traditional Food, Malay, Tourist Attraction
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