
  • Annisa Nabila nabila S1 Pariwisata, Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Siti Aisyah S1 Pariwisata, Universitas Imelda Medan


Bika Tutung, Daya Tarik, Kue Tradisional


Mandailing Natal Regency has 24 sub-districts consisting of 27 sub-districts and 407 villages. The development of the tourism industry can provide opportunities for the development of tourism products, including culinary delights in the Mandailing Natal area. The high development of the tourism industry provides enormous opportunities for the people to participate. in tourism development, especially culinary tourism which is currently still very limited in number. This study aims to explain traditional food as a Culinary Tourism Attraction in the Mandailing Natal Region which has traditional specialties that taste delicious. This traditional food is called Bika Bakar. For making bika, it is quite unique because it uses coconut coir. If in Medan we know Bika Ambon, then in Mandailing Natal there is Bika Bakar or Bika Tutung. Bika Tutung Cake is one of the specialties of Madina, North Sumatra. We can find this food in the Panyabungan Old Market and New Market. However, this cake is more favorite for the Maga Market area, Lembah Sorik Marapi District or in Tano Bato, South Panyabungan District. This Bika Tutung cake is very popular as a souvenir from Mandailing Christmas, apart from that during the month of Ramadan this cake is also much sought after for breaking the fast. . Bika Tutung is made from a mixture of bananas, flour, coconut and palm sugar which is then roasted using coconut fiber. In the process of roasting the cake will be turned over for better maturity. Tutung in the Batak language means burning


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