Ikan Mas Arsik Sebagai Makanan Upacara Adat Khas Batak Toba Sumatra Utara
Arsik, batak toba, Specialties.Abstract
The various uniqueness and uniqueness of Indonesian society results in differences in various ethnicities, races, cultures, religions, and between groups. The knowledge and uniqueness of each ethnic group in Indonesia is different, which you can get from generation to generation. One example is the Toba Batak tribe in North Sumatra. The Toba Batak ethnic group certainly has distinctive drinks and culinary delights that are different from other tribes. Types of Toba Batak drinks and culinary delights include tuak, hot cendol or commonly called seddor, arsik carp, dekke naniura , manuk napinadar, mie gomak, sak-sang, itak gur-gur, lomang, lappet and many other typical foods. In processing food, the Batak tribe is a tribe that is very reliable in preparing and processing food. One of the typical foods or culinary delights of the Batak Toba Batak, North Sumatra, is the arsik. Arsik has its own uniqueness. One of the uniqueness of culinary tourism and food which is popular and very legendary in the Batak tribe of North Sumatra is cooking with basic spices which some only grow in North Sumatra. Arsik is served from the basic ingredients of fresh carp, seasoned with natural spices which are nutritious, and then cooked over a fire until all the spices are perfectly absorbed. The uniqueness and originality of the culinary processing of arsik can add value that can be calculated to increase the income value of the Toba Batak people. So that at this time the typical Batak arsik culinary has maintained its taste image and standard cooking methods so that it doesn't change its taste and characteristics.
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