The Design of Information Systems for Sales of Goods and Cash Receipts Based on Vb.Net in Cooperatives This study aims to: (1) Know the information systems for sales of goods and cash receipts used by cooperatives. (2) Designing an information system for Sales of Goods and Cash Receipts based on Vb.Net that can be implemented and in accordance with the needs of the Cooperative. This research is a research and development research with development and implementation methods. Data obtained through literature study and interviews. The results of this study are information system sales of goods manual cash receipts used at the Cooperative RSU Ipi. Functions related to the sale of goods and cash receipts include the sales function, inventory function, and recording function. Cooperatives do not yet have a clear internal control and division of tasks. The documents used are in the form of cash notes and invoices, while the notes made are cash sales records. However, the recording is not carried out routinely so that the availability of information regarding these records is very limited and inaccurate. Based on this data, an information system design for Sales of Goods and cash receipts based on Vb.Net was made. The business modeling stage produces the data needed for system design. The process modeling stage produces context diagrams, DFD, process diagrams, and program interface designs. The application generation stage produces design changes into the programming language. And the testing and turnover stage produces prime processes that are ready to be implemented.
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