Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Dana Desa Pada Desa Tebing Lestari Kampar

  • Muhammad Iqbal Panjaitan Manajemen Informatika,AMIK Imelda
  • Monang Juanda Tua Sihombing Komputerisasi Akuntansi, AMIK Imelda


With the existence of clear and simple procedures, the calculation service process can run effectively and efficiently. This situation can make it easier for the village budget plan makers to realize and disburse the village funds and simplify the calculations. The author designed a Village Fund calculation information system in the Village of Tebing Lestari Kampar using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 software and MySQL as the database and crystal report as the report. The
research design that I use is research design with premier data and secondary data, the type of research used is academic research, the research method used is a survey and directly involved in the field to find out how the village fund calculation system in Kampar cliffs, development methods used is a methodology oriented to output, process and data. Information system design is a context diagram and data flow diagram. With the application of the design and implementation of the system of calculating village cliffs in sustainable kampar implementation, this can facilitate the calculation and in the preparation of reports that are processed quickly and in terms of calculations. The implementation of the design design of the village fund calculation system based on Visual Studio 2010 can help the performance of the section of the village budgeting team / treasurer in the Village of Tebing Lestari Kampar.


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