Corona virus, InaRISK, Family Risk AssessmentAbstract
Currently the world is being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which is an infectious disease caused by the new corona virus. Huta Marubun I is an area that is at risk of being exposed to C0vid-19. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk assessment of families affected by Covid-19 using the Inarisk Family assessment application at Huta Marubun I Nagori Marubun Jaya. This risk assessment tool is managed by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 as a form of official information to the public regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population was 130 heads of families of Huta Marubun I and the sample in this study was 33 heads of families who were taken using simple random sampling technique. The family risk assessment consists of Low risk if the respondent's answer score is 35-42, moderate risk if the respondent's answer score is 28-34 and high risk if the respondent's answer score is 21-27 is used. In Huta Marubun I there are 14 heads of low risk families, 19 heads of medium risk families and none of the families are at high risk. Families still have the risk of being exposed to Covid-19, therefore it is advisable to stick to health protocols to break the chain of spread of Covid 19. The recommendations given by the inaRisk application for families are that you should stay at home, use a mask when gathering with other people and apply a pattern. clean and healthy life.
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