Evaluasi Usabilitas Aplikasi SIAKAD Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas menggunakan Metode Heuristik

  • Andy Paul Harianja Universitas katolik Santo Thomas
Keywords: system, evaluation, usability, heuristics.


The number of systems that have developed at this time has good quality for users. But some of the existing systems have not yet been measured for usability. Case study of the Catholic  Computer Science Faculty academic information system of Saint Thomas North Sumatra. This study aims to determine the evaluation of information systems in case studies in terms of their usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction in using the Academic Information System. The method used is the heuristic method. Data collection in this study with direct research to the location and see journal references, documentation and previous research. This study also uses a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction. Based on the results of testing data collection, the use of the siakad information system as a recommendation to design the development of the system can produce a system with high usability, so that the system is expected to be in accordance with the objectives so that it can be accepted by the user.


Buku Panduan Akademik Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Sumatera Utara Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.

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