Pengaruh Vitamin E Terhadap Sel Darah Merah Mencit (Musmusculus,L) yang dipapari Tuak


  • Norong Perangin-angin Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I Bukit Barisan Pematang Siantar
  • Meriani Herlina STIKes Imelda Medan


vitamin E, red blood cells, hematocrit


This research aims to knowing the effect of vitamin E for reticulocyte count, erythocytes count, and morphological description of erythrocytes, hemoglobin level and mice blood hematocrit score who given palm wine for adult category. Research using RancanganAcakLengkap (RAL), 30 male mice (L musculus) adult strain DD Webster aged 2-3 months with weight 25-30 g, who share at random into 6 trial group. The result of research show that (1) giving palm wine 0,5mg/mice/day can reduce the reticulocyte presentation if added with vitamin E 0,33 mg/mice/day for 30 days can improve back the erythrocytes count and avoid the morphology of erythrocytes fault for mice (3) giving palm wine 0,5 mg/mice/day can reduce the hemoglobin level and hematocrit score if added with vitamin E 0,33 mg/mice/day for 30 days can improve back hemoglobin and hematocrit score for mice.


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