Pembangunan Sistem Electronic-Government dalam mensukseskan Program Visit Wonderful Bengkulu 2020
The need for eGov is the use of information and telecommunications technology for efficient and effective government administration, as well as providing transparent and satisfying public services. The integration of technology and information systems today greatly influences public institutions such as local governments and the Central Government. The current regional government system has begun to be integrated in a technology that can be controlled from the
central government. An example is the application of electronic-government (e-Gov) which began to be implemented in Indonesia and in several regions. The stages of the research method are Application for permission for research from the Research and Community Service Institute of Dehasen University Bengkulu, Application for Permit for research from Bengkulu Province and Seluma Integrated Service Offices, Collection of Government data both manual and computerized, Government data grouping namely Name Regional Superior Program, Achievement Targets, Financial Conditions in 2019. Cross-sectoral development program to create superior and prosperous Seluma District people by improving infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure, including tourism and leading sectors and optimizing superior products. One solution and alternative that promises to create transparency in realizing Good Governance is an electronic government (e-government) government management system. Management of institutions / agencies electronically for both private and government in addition to increasing transparency, can also increase efficiency (reduce costs and increase effectiveness / increase yield).
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Guna Mendukung Implementasi Otonomi Daerah”. Semarang, Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang
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