Hubungan Kepatuhan Ibu Nifas Tentang Manajemen Laktasi dengan Tingkat Keberhasilan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Medan Tahun 2019
Compliance is the extent of patient behavior in accordance with the provisions given by health professionals ". Patients may not adhere to their goals or may simply forget or misunderstand instructions given. Lactation management is a management that regulates the whole process of breastfeeding successfully and the baby receives optimal nutritional conditions and health, starting from Mother's Milk (ASI) ) is produced until the baby's process of sucking and swallowing breast milk that begins during the Antenatal, Prenatal, and Postnatal (Prasetyono, 2009; Maryunani, 2012). Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding from a mother to her baby that is given without food or other drinks, including water or other additional vitamins (Thistle, 2013). This type of research uses descriptive correlation research with cross sectional design. The population of this research was 226 Postpartum mothers, the sample size in this study was 40 Postpartum mothers. This research was conducted at the Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital Medan. Bivariant analysis used is the Chi-Square statistic. Chi-Square test was obtained p value = 0.03 (<0.05) means that there is a relationship between the knowledge of Mother Postpartum about Lactation Management with the Success of Exclusive ASI.
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