Hubungan penggunaan Smartphone dengan Interaksi Sosial pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Kelas 5 dan 6 di SD Muhammadiyah 23 Medan Tahun 2019

  • Kamaliah Ainun STIKes RS Haji Medan
  • Kristina STIKes RS Haji Medan
  • Rizki Ramayanda STIKes RS Haji Medan


Children and adolescents in Indonesia are internet users and digital media for communication. As many as 80% of respondents use the internet and more users live in urban areas than in rural areas. Data on children and adolescents who have never used the internet in urban areas is only 13%, while in rural areas it is 87%. Respondents who use mobile phones to access the internet are 52%, use smartphones 21%, and use tablets 4%. Smartphones have a positive impact and a negative impact. The aim is to find out the relationship between smartphone usage and social interactions of elementary school children in grades 5-6 elementary school. This type of research The research design used was a descriptive analytic research design with a cross sectional approach, a total sampling of 76 people, a total sampling technique that is sampling done by taking the entire population. The results of this study indicate that the majority of social interactions in primary school children are in the maladaptive category of 41 people. From the results of the study found the majority of respondents rarely exchange opinions with parents, prefer to do their own activities, ashamed to apologize first when making mistakes, disobedience, disagree with friends, selfish and rarely listen well when the teacher gives advice. be a reference for educational institutions to provide education to parents, teachers, and students about the use of smartphones that are beneficial and responsible for school-age children and social interactions that school-age children should have. In addition, schools can make policies not to use smartphones or turn off during learning. Students who violate these policies can be sanctioned by calling parents or guardians to school or confiscating smartphones to discipline students.


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