
  • Hamonangan Damanik Dosen Prodi S1 Keperawatan STIKes Imelda




chronic kidney failure, anxiety, hemodialysis




Chronic kidney failure is progressive kidney damage characterized by uremia (urea and other wastes that circulate in the blood and its complications if no dialysis or kidney transplantation is performed). Patients with chronic kidney failure who will do hemodialysis often experience anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to situations that greatly suppress a person's life that lasts for a short time. This study aims to determine how the level of anxiety of chronic kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis at the Indonesian Worker Imelda Hospital. This type of research is descriptive with cross sectional study design. The study was conducted in April 2019. The population in this study were all patients who underwent hemodialysis at the Indonesian Imelda Workers' Hospital as many as 205 people. The sampling technique in this study is the nonprobability sampling technique that is purposive sampling so the number of samples in this study were 31 people. The results showed that the majority of respondents undergoing hemodialysis experienced anxiety with moderate anxiety levels of 19 people (61.3%), while the minority of hemodialysis respondents with severe anxiety levels of 4 people (12.9%). It is recommended for respondents to be able to seek information about therapy hemodialysis, such as the benefits, processes and effects caused by these therapies. Thus the respondent can understand that the therapy given is to help him stay healthy.


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How to Cite

Damanik, H. (2020). TINGKAT KECEMASAN PASIEN GAGAL GINJAL KRONIK DALAM MENJALANI HEMODIALISA DI RUMAH SAKIT IMELDA PEKERJA INDONESIA. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA, 6(1), 80–85. https://doi.org/10.52943/jikeperawatan.v6i1.365