Literacy, Mental Health, Student of NursingAbstract
The prevalence of mental health disorders continues to increase every year around the world. Low mental health literacy is identified as the main cause of the increased prevalence of mental disorders among university students. Most students experience mental health disorders, but less than half of those who receive services do not even know that they have mental health disorders. This study aims to determine the level of student literacy related to mental health so that it becomes the input for institutions regarding efforts to increase student literacy, especially mental health. This study used a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional study approach. The study was conducted at Hasanuddin University from May to October 2022. The population for this study was students of the Health Cluster at Hasanuddin University, participants were selected using the simple random sampling method. Data collection used a questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic data and data on mental health literacy history. The results of the analysis in this study showed that more than half of Nursing Science students at Hasanuddin University had a high level of mental health literacy, namely 64.4%. In addition, students who access information about mental health had high health literacy, namely 71.2%. The results of the chi-square test showed that there was an influence between domicile and mental health literacy with a p-value of 0.025. Students in the Nursing Study Program at Hasanuddin University have high mental health literacy and there is an influence between domicile origin and mental health literacy. In the future, based on this study, it is expected that further research on the influence of other variables that can affect mental health literacy such as culture, family support, support from groups and friendship.
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