Credibility is a set of communication perceptions about the traits of a communicator. In this case, there are two things: first, credibility is the perception of the audience, so it is not inherent in the communicator, the second is credibility with regard to the characteristics of the communicator. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the communication credibility of the counselor and the interest in family planning for fertile age couples (PUS) in Manunggal Village, analyzed the communication credibility of KB extension officers in Manunggal Village, analyzed their interest in family planning for fertile age couples (PUS) in Manunggal Village. Researchers use the positivism paradigm as a linear communication process that reflects the communicator to change the knowledge (attitude or behavior) of the passive communicant. The results showed that the relationship between the communication credibility of the family planning extension officers on the interest in family planning for fertile age couples (PUS) in Manunggal Village had a significant relationship. The Karl Spearman correlation value was 0.042, it was stated that the relationship between the two variables had a credibility relationship between family planning extension officers and the interest in family planning for fertile age couples (PUS) in Manunggal Village. The credibility of the communication of the Manunggal Village Family Planning extension officers is based on the AIDCDA phase (Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction, Decision, Action) in conducting counseling on the interest in FP for the Fertile Age Couples which has been implemented quite well even though there are still deficiencies in its implementation. The one who met the most criteria was Attention, where almost all respondents focused on paying attention to the communicator. Meanwhile, those who are in the least position are Conviction, where some respondents choose to talk to their colleagues around their fellow respondents about their belief in choosing the type of family planning that is suitable for current conditions. As for the inhibiting factors experienced in the implementation of socialization, namely psychological, technical barriers and lack of communicators. The interest in FP for Fertile Age Couples (PUS) in Manunggal will be handled properly by PLKB and the local government according to planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the family planning program.
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